  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Effect of Dietary Fat and Energy Intake on Lipid Synthesis in Rats






The effect of dietary fat and energy restriction on lipid metabolism was studied in rats. Animals were fed with different fat content diets of isonitrogenous intakes. Energy restriction was achieved by ration-feeding of test diets containing various amount of non-nutritive cellulose in the expense of dietary carbohydrate. When rats were fed with iso-caloric diets, liver malic enzyme (ME) and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) activities were significantly lower in animals receiving high fat (20%) diet, where low fat (1%) stimulate the enzyme activities. In vivo incorporation test showed that higher lipogenesis were obtained in animals receiving low fat diet. When dietary energy was reduced, the stimulative effect of low fat diet on liver enzyme and lipogenesis was markedly diminished. The lowering of llpogenesis was found to be correlated to the degree of restriction. However, restricted energy intake showed to be less effective on liver ME and G6PD which had already been depressed by fat-rich diet (20%). In vivo incorporation also showed similar results. It is apparent that dietary fat content, rather than total caloric intake, could be the primary factor for the change of lipogenesis in animals.


Energv intake Fat intake Lipogenesis Liver enzyme
