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Effects of Physical Training on Insulin Binding to RBC during Glucose Tolerance Test



運動是治療糖尿病的一個重要方法。由於運動曾被證實增加胰島素敏感度,所以本實驗想研究十週的體能對胰島素結合及葡萄糖耐量之影響。從師大體育系中徵求自願者35名,他們都是自小即爲田徑的選手,而另有非體育系自願學生20名,他們自小即沒有規則運動的習慣,且年齡及體重皆相配對。經隔夜空腹,早上八時進入葡萄糖耐量試驗,在0,30,60,90,120分鐘各抽血一次,作血漿糖,胰島素,升糖素,皮醇,生長素。紅血球胰島素結合試驗則在0分及120分各作一次。非運動員組進入十週的體能訓練,前二週每週作三天12分鐘急跑及二天作相當份量的運動,接下來的五週每週作三天15分鐘急跑及兩天相等份量的運動,最後達到年齡調整後的最高脈博數的85%。這些受試者皆住校,吃大學餐廳的維持體重飲食,不能抽煙,沒有使用藥物,十週後,進行生化葡萄糖耐量試驗及紅血球胰島素結合試驗,幷以paired Student's t-test評估運動前後之差異。運動員組則作爲對照,幷以unpaired Student's t-test評估與非運動組在運動前之差異。 在運動前,非運動員組有著較高的空腹血糖及胰島素,但是口服葡萄糖後,運動組血糖在30分急劇上升,又馬上回歸到空腹值之下,其相對的胰島素值均低於非運動員組。運動員者的皮醇及生長素也較非運動員者爲低。非運動員組的胰島素特異結合比較高,運動後的120分耐糖試驗胰島素物异結合有顯著的降低,有統計上的差异(p<0.01)。血糖及胰島素在非運動員組運動後有上升趨勢,升糖素及生長素耐糖後下降較大而皮醇則無差異。本實驗無法證實體能訓練增強葡萄糖耐量,其原因有待進一步研究。




To examine the influence of physical training on insulin binding and glucose tolerance, 20 sedentary students and 35 well trained, body mass index and age-matched athletic students were engaged. The blood was sampled before and 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes after oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) for the determination of insulin, glucose, cortisol, growth hormone, glucagon, BUN, uric acid, creatinine, triglyceride total cholesterol, phosphorus, and calcium after overnight fasting. The examination on insulin binding to RBC was measured before and 120 minutes after OGTT. The training intensity reached 65%of age-adjusted maximal pulse rate in the initial 4 weeks and 85%of that in the subsequent 6 weeks. All 20 sedentary students completed the ten weeks' training and did not show significant change of body weight. The oral glucose tolerance test and insulin binding assay were performed again by the sedentary students after the physical training. Athletic students were used for controls. There was no significant difference of insulin binding between these two groups. The athletic students had lower fasting and higher 30-minute plasma glucose level and better glucose tolerance. The insulin binding did not show significant change in the sedentary students after the physical training. The insulin level increased and the glucose tolerance deteriorated after physical training. The levels of growth hormone and glucagon were declined remarkably after physical training. Our study failed to prove that a ten week physical training would improve glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in sedentary subjects.
