  • 期刊


Effect of Reducing Training Load on Insulin Sensitivity and Adipokines Concentration in Swimmers


研究目的:探討減量訓練對游泳選手身體組成、胰島素敏感度與脂肪激素(adipokines)之變化。研究設計:比較高強度訓練期與六個月減量訓練期對各項指標之影響。受試者:13位大學游泳選手參予本研究,年齡為20.35±0.21歲、身高為171.5±1.79、體重為68.8±1.74、身體質量指數(BMI)為23.4±0.68。測量指標:身體組成:身高、體重、BMI、腰圍、腰臀圍比(WHR);代謝指標:口服葡萄糖耐受度、胰島素反應、血脂濃度(TG, CHOL)以及皮質醇(cortisol)濃度;脂肪激素:瘦體素(leptin)、阻抗素(resistin)、腫瘤壞死因子α(TNF-α)、介白素6(interleukin 6)。結果:減量訓練期之腰圍與腰臀圍比明顯高於高強度訓練期,BMI與體重在兩時期無差異。口服葡萄糖耐受度與胰島素敏感度方面,減量訓練期較差於高強度訓練期。然而在血脂方面,減量訓練期血液三酸甘油酯呈現較高的趨勢,至於血膽固醇方面,兩訓練期無差異。在cortisol方面,減量訓練期明顯高於高強度訓練期。兩訓練期之leptin、TNF-α、interleukin 6比較後並無明顯差異,但高強度訓練期之resistin濃度明顯高於減量訓練期。結論:減量訓練對於遊泳選手,在葡萄糖吸收能力與胰島素敏感度方面已開始呈現退化的狀態,而造成此現象的原因可能與WHR及cortisol濃度的增加有關,然而除了resistin外,減量訓練並不會影響其他脂肪激素的濃度。


Purpose: To compare differences in body composition, insulin response and adipokines concentration under trained and detrained states. Design: Reducing training load for 6 months. Subjects: 13 college swimmers aged 20.4±0.21years, height 171.5±1.8 centimeters, weight 68.8±1.8 kilograms, BMI23.4±0.7. Measurements: Height, weight, BMI, waist, waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), oral glucose tolerance test, insulin, triglyceride, cholesterol, cortisol, leptin, resistin, TNF-α, and interleukin 6 (IL-6). Results: Waist and WHR were significantly increased with detraining. BMI and weight were not changed. Insulin levels on OGTT were significantly elevated with detraining. Triglyceride was not changed with detraining. Cortisol level was elevated, but leptin, TNF-α, and IL-6 was not changed. Resistin level was significantly lowered with detraining. Conclusion: Reduction in insulin sensitivity with detraining was association with increased WHR and cortisol concentration. Moreover, detraining did not affect adipokines secretion excepted for resistin.


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