

由於生活水準之提高,民眾對個人之健康更加關切。因此,過去幾十年來黃豆的生產也急速地增加,因為黃豆可提供高品質、良好的蛋白質及油脂來源。 筆者簡述一些有關黃豆蛋白、黃豆油及黃豆纖維及對卵磷脂身體營養上之健康有關資料,以供讀者參考。


黃豆 健康 黃豆蛋白 黃豆油 卵磷脂 黃豆纖維 膽固醇


As societies become more affluent, they become more health-conscious. This new awareness has prompted the dramatic increase in soybean production in the last few decades. Soybeans are a good source of both protein and oil. Soybeans have many nutritional benefits. Recent research showed that in hyperlipidemic subjects, soy protein reduced serum cholesterol and triglycerides. Soybean oil is also rich in vitamin E (tocopherol) which is a natural antioxidant, and lecithin which decreases the risk of blood clots. Soybean oil is a good source of the essential fatty acid linoleic acid which has been shown to lower total plasma cholesterol but not HDL cholesterol. Soy fiber has been demonstrated to lower plasma cholesterol in hypercholesterolemic subjects; improve glucose tolerance and insulin response in diabetic patients; increase fecal weight and decrease fecal transit time. In summary, soybeans have many features which make it highly nutritious and versatile. Because of its economical and nutritional properties, the soybean has played and will continue to play an important role in satisfying world hunger and improving world health.


soybeans health soy protein soybean oil lecithin soybean fiber cholesterol




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