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Comparsion of Energy Expenditure for Different Activity Levels in Middle Aged Men


本研究的目的在探討中年男性不同活動程度者能量消耗內容的比較,並探討幾個影響能量消耗的因子。 經活動量篩選的男性受試者二十名,年齡35~46歲,依三天的活動記錄,計算其每公斤體重的能量消耗量,分為重度活動程度組(每天每公斤體重大於40大卡)及輕度活動量組(每天每公斤體重小於38大卡),每組十名。受試者以間接能量測定法測其基礎代謝率及飲食生熱效應,幷以因素加算法計算總能量消耗量。身體組成以生物電阻法測量。 結果顯示,重度活動程度組總能量消耗平均為2882大卡,基礎代謝率為1416大卡,飲食生熱效應爲108大卡,活動量為1359大卡;輕度活動程度組總能量消耗平均為2585大卡,基礎代謝率為1363大卡,飲食生熱效應爲121大卡,活動量為1101大卡,二組之間無顯著差異。若以每公斤體重爲單位表示,則重度活動程度組在總能量消耗、基礎代謝率及活動量均顯著的高于輕度活動程度組。在單位去脂體重及單位體表面積的基礎代謝率,重度活動程度組顯著的高于輕度活動程度組。基礎代謝率與休息代謝率、體重、去脂體重、體表面積、及活動量呈顯著的相關,其中基礎代謝率與休息代謝率的相關係數達r=0.9480。


The purposes of this study were designed to investigate the energy expenditure for two different activity levels in middle aged men. Twenty healthy middle aged men (age 35-46 years) were divided into two groups according to three-day activity records: heavy activity level (HPA) (>40 kcal/kg/day) and light activity level (LPA) (<38 kcal/kg/day). There were ten subjects in each group. The basal metabolic rate (BMR) and diet induced thermogenesis (DIT) were measured by indirect calorimetric technique. Body composition was assessed by bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA). Results showed that the total energy expenditure (TEE), BMR, DIT and physical activity (PA) were not significantly different between two groups. When we divided TEE, BMR, DIT and PA by body weight, the HPA group were significant higher than LPA group in TEE, BMR and PA. BMR also divided by lean body mass and body surface area, which the HPA group were significant higher than LPA group. BMR was significantly correlated with body weight, lean body mass, body surface area and PA. Correlation coefficient of BMR and RMR was 0.9480.


