  • 期刊


Relationships among Physical Activity Levels, Functional Fitness Test and Sleep Quality for the Middle-age and Elderly Adults



目的:本研究旨在探討中老年人身體活動量、功能性體適能及睡眠品質的狀況、差異情形及其關係。方法:以參加樂齡大學之學員為受試者(男性18位和女性39位,平均年齡61.5±4.4歲),進行功能性體適能檢測並完成身體活動量表(IPAQ)和匹茲堡睡眠品質量表(PSQI)問卷,以描述性統計、獨立樣本t 考驗及皮爾森積差相關分析各項資料。結果:1.男性中老年人在總身體活動量及坐姿時間均明顯少於女性。2.男性中老年人在站立測驗、抓背測驗及坐姿體前彎均明顯低於女性;但在握力項目明顯高於女性。3.中老年人身體活動量越高,上肢肌力越低;而心肺耐力及上肢柔軟度越佳。4.中老年人身體活動量越高,PSQI之總分越低,即擁有越佳睡眠品質。結論:建議中老年人規律性的從事各項身體活動,增加身體活動量,以增進體適能及睡眠品質,達成健康促進的目的。


Purpose: This study was aimed to explore the differences and their relationships of physical activity, functional fitness test and sleep quality for the middle-age and elderly adults. Methods: The study surveyed 57 students (18 males and 39 females, average age 61.5±4.4 years) who participated in the university of Aging course were the subjects, completed functional fitness test and the Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire, The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent t- test and Pearson's correlation. Results: (1) Men in the physical activity levels and sitting time were significantly less than women in the middle-age and elderly adults. (2) Men in the chair stand test, back scratch test and the sit and reach, were significantly lower than the women; grip strength significantly higher than women in the middle-age and elderly adults. (3) The higher of physical activity levels in the middle-age and elderly adults, the lower grip strength; the better cardiopulmonary endurance and upper bodily flexibility. (4) The higher of physical activity levels in the middle-age and elderly adults, the lower of PSQI score, the better sleep quality. Conclusion: Recommended in the middle-age and elderly adults regularity engaging in various physical activity, increasing physical activity levels in order to enhance functional fitness and sleep quality to achieve the purpose of health promotion.


