  • 期刊


Diagnosis and Management of Sjögren's Syndrome in Dental Practice-Cases Report




謝格連氏症候群 口乾 齲齒


Sjögren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease characterized by lymphocytic infiltration of the exocrine glands resulting in xerostomia and dry eyes. The condition may occur in the absence of connective tissue disease (primary) or in association with it (secondary). It is seen predominantly in middle-aged women. The most prominent oral manifestations include xerostomia and an increase in dental caries. Treatment is aimed at symptomatic relief and limiting the damaging local effects. In this report, we present 2 cases of Sjögren's syndrome and their diagnostic and management procedures. Case 1 was a 62-year-old female who complained of xerostomia and had suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for 10 years. Serologic tests and a biopsy of the labial minor salivary glands allowed us to diagnose her with Sjögren's syndrome. After further examination by a rheumatologist, lupus erythematosus was the final diagnosis. Case 2 was a 42-year-old female who complained of multiple carious lesions due to xerostomia. The rheumatologist diagnosed her as having Sjögren's syndrome and referred her to our department for dental treatment. We performed restoration and prosthetic fabrication for her carious teeth. Both of these patients received fluoridation at home every day. Regular follow-up examinations showed that they both were able to maintain a good oral condition. Sjögren's syndrome is a widely underdiagnosed disease. Treatment for th disease is available, but there is no cure. A complete understanding of the disease process and management of Sjögren's syndrome may prevent delays in diagnosis, allow an appropriate diagnostic evaluation, and optimize the therapeutic intervention.


Sjögren's syndrome xerostomia dental caries
