  • 期刊


Effects of Mixed Media on the Early Growth of Seedlings of Three Nitrogen-fixing Tree Species in Dibbling Tube Containers



為降低穴植管育苗成本及能在國內謀求一理想之混合介質,以取代國外最常用之泥炭土、蛭石之混合育苗介質。本試驗以等容積比例配成7種人為混合介質為供試處理,研究直幹相思樹、耳莢相思樹、木賊葉木麻黃3樹種在不同混合介質中初期生長之差異。 結果顯示泥炭土1:牛糞堆肥1(容積比,V/V,以下同此)及蛇木屑1:牛糞堆肥l之混合介質培育直幹相思樹、耳莢相思樹、木賊葉木麻黃,不論各樹種之平均苗高、平均胸徑、地上部鮮、乾重及地下部鮮、乾重皆與其他混合介質(稻殼1:牛糞堆肥1;泥炭土1:蛇木屑1;泥炭土1:稻殼堆肥1;泥炭土1:稻殼1;泥炭土1:蛭石1)之間有極顯著之差異。 從混合介質之化學分析中可知,牛糞堆肥不僅含氮量高,且有效性磷、可交換性鉀、鈉、鎂含量均比其他介質為高,且可交換性鈣含量較其他介質為低。再從混合介質之物理性而言,添加牛糞堆肥之混合介質,其粗孔隙量與細孔隙量之比較為均勻,混合介質之保水能力較好,有助於苗木根系的發育。 由本試驗得知國產之蛇木屑與牛糞堆肥之混合介質中,3樹種苗木之初期生長均較國外常用之泥炭土與蛭石之混合介質為佳,牛糞堆肥與蛇木屑在穴植管育苗體系中為適宜之混合介質材料。


混合介質 固氮樹種 穴植管


The purposes of this study are to reduce nursery production cost of dibbling-tube system and to seek for suitable mixed media which are abundant and inexpensive for nursery program in Taiwan. Seven mixed media were used to grow three nitrogen-fixing tree species: Acacia mangium, Acacia auriculiformis and Casuarine equisetifolia. Media mixed by two components of 1 peat: 1 crushed tree-fern (v/v); 1 peat: 1 rice hulls (v/v); 1 peat: 1 rice hulls compost (v/v); 1 peat: 1 cattle stool compost (v/v); 1 crushed tree-fern: 1 cattle stool compost (v/v); 1 rice hulls: 1 cattle stool compost (v/v) were used to compare with the standard mixed media of 1 peat: 1 vermiculite (v/v). Results show that the early growth response of these three nitrogen-fixing tree species in the different mixed media were significantly different. Media containing cattle stool compost were Superior to the standard medium. The cattle stool compost is high in nitrogen content, and hence its mixed medium has a low C: N ratio which means that the availability of nitrogen won't be reduced by organic matters. The cattle stool compost is characteristic of high contents of phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, and high water retention capacity, but low content of calcium.
