  • 期刊


The Antitermite Characters of Major Native Woods in Taiwan and the Termite-controlling Properties of Chemicals



本試驗係以省産針葉樹鐵杉等10種木材,測定其天然抗蟻性並以可氣丹等7種藥劑處理臺灣二葉松試討,試驗其防治效能。試材埋置於嘉義及懇丁兩處,定期觀察各種試材受白蟻為害情形。研究業已經過五年,仍在繼續進行試驗中,爰將其初步結果列示如下: 1.鐵杉等10種樹材埋置於嘉義及懇丁兩地區乏抗白蟻性綜合結果顯示,以肖楠、臺灣扁柏等兩種木材爲最强,香杉、紅檜、臺灣杉等次之,臺灣五葉松、冷杉、臺灣二葉松、鐵杉等依序再次之,而柳杉之抗白蟻性爲最弱。 2.七種藥劑之防治白蟻效能,綜合嘉義及懇丁兩個地區試驗結果而言,顯示保力定K-33、可氯丹、雜酚油等三種藥劑為最優良,當耐力C及克腐寧等兩種次之,硼酸者再次之,而未經藥劑處理者爲最容易受害。 3.關於木材理學性質如比重、硬度、生長率等與其耐白蟻性之關係,一般認為比重大,硬度高及生長緩慢者,其耐白蟻性較強,惟於本試驗結果中,顯示並無直接關係。 4.於鐵杉等10種木材中,以肖楠之精油含有量爲最多,香杉次之,臺灣扁柏、紅檜及亞杉等依序再次之,其餘臺灣五葉松、冷杉、臺灣二葉松、鐵杉及柳杉等五種樹材之精油含量屬微量,由此可推測木材精油含量之多寡,直接影響其抗白蟻性屬具有關連。另外有機溶劑萃取物之收取量與抗白蟻性之間亦顯示正相關性。 至於各種精油及化學成分中何種成分具抗白蟻效能?當有進一步研究之必要。


The natural antitermite characters of ten native soft woods were investigated. The woods of species Pinus taiwanensis were chosen to be treated with seven different preservatives for the chemical-controlling studies of termites. At two sites of Chia-Yi and Ken-Tin, the samples were kept under-ground and checked up regularly. After five-year investigation, the results are summarized as the following: 1. The species Libocodrus formosana and Chamaecyparts taiwanensis were found to have the best termite-resistant properties. The species Cunninghamia konishii, Chamaecyparis formosensis and Taiwana cryptomerioides are the second. The antitermite abilities of other five species were decided to be in the decreasing order as Pinus morrisonicola, A bias kawakamii, Finns taiwanensis, Tsuga chinesis, and Cryptomeria japonica. 2. The results of termite-controlling experiments with chemicals showed Boliden K-33, Chlordane, and creosote to be the best three compounds, while Tanalith C and Xylamon be worse, and Boric acid be the worst. The untreated woods were found to be more vulnerable to termite- attacking than the chemicaltreated samples. 3. No Correlations could be observed between the physical properties, i. e. weight, hardness, growth rate, and the termite-resistant characters of wood samples. 4. The species Libocedrus formosana is the one most abundant in essential oils, and the species Cunninghamia konishii is the second. The next three species in sequence of decreasing essential-oil content are Chamaecyparis taiwanensis. Chamaecyparis formosensis, and Taiwania cryptomerioides. The other five species contain only trace amount of essential oils. Besides, the quantities of organce extracts were found to be in comparable sequence as the essential oils. Since the positive relationship between the amount of wood's essential oil and organic extract and the antitermite properties was confirmed in this experiment, it deserves further study to identify the specific termite-resistant component(s).


