  • 期刊


Study on Gluing and Laminating of China Fir Green Wood Using Hot-press for Surface Heating



以四種木材工業用膠合劑(UF、MF、PRF、RF),利用不同之熱壓時間將杉木生材單面表層加熱,經佈膠後再以冷壓方式作成二片膠合;之後,採用氣乾與低溫爐乾,將膠全好之生材乾燥處理,並依各膠合劑之性質進行常態、耐水、耐熱火、耐沸水等膠合強度試驗,另外又以UF、PRF進行集成材之試作與測試。 試驗之結果歸結如下: 1.杉木生材膠合及其經乾燥後,各膠合劑之膠合強度受表層加熱熱壓時間之影響並不明顯。 2.生材膠合後,經氣乾乾燥或低溫爐乾乾燥,兩者之間明顯差異。 3.與杉木氣乾材之膠合性能相比較,PRF、RF進行杉木生材膠合,可獲得較佳之結果,而UF、MF則否。 4. 生材集成材經乾燥後之剝離率超過10%,效果不彰,須進一步檢討與改善。


杉木 生材 膠合 集成 木材表層加熱


Four kinds of adhesives (UF, MF, PRF, RF) were used in gluing and laminating of green wood from China fir. Firstly, one of the green wood surface was heated by 150℃ hot pressing at 1, 3, 5 or 10min interval. Immediately following the hot pressing the adhesives was applied on the heated surface and then glued by 5 min of cold pressing. Glued green wood samples were further air-dried under 45℃ in an oven. The normal, water-resistance, hot-water-resistance, and boiling-water-resistance bonding strength tests were carried out for evaluating the quality of the gluing technique. In this study, the lamination of the green wood using UF and PRF glues was also made. Results obtained are as follows: 1. According to the tests, the bonding strength is not affected by the hot pressing time, regardless of the type of glue used. 2. The bonding strength results give no significant difference between air-drying and 45℃ oven-drying treatment after green wood gluing. 3. In comparision with the bonding properties of glued air-dried China fir wood, a more satisfactory result can be obtained in green wood gluing by using PRF and RF glues, but not for UF and MF glues. 4. The delamination rate of green wood laminates after air-drying is more than 10%. Further study will be required for improving the quality.
