  • 期刊


Provenance Trial of Casuarina equisetifolia in Taiwan Ⅰ. Seed Weight and Seedling Growth



以澳洲國家科學及工業研究部林業處自14個國家所採集共計28個種原之木賊葉木麻黃種子,經育苗出栽至雲林縣四糊及澎湖講美試驗地後,測定其1年生之生長表現。結果顯示,種子重於不同種原間呈極顯著差異,但是與各項苗木生長特性之相關性在統計並不顯著。除半年生之地徑外,半年生與l年生之成活率、苗高以及1年生之地徑在兩個試驗地之間皆呈極顯著差異,而且以在四湖試驗地的生長優於講美試驗地,顯示講美試驗地之環境逆壓大於四湖試驗地。無論四湖試驗地或講美試驗地,苗木生長特徵在種原聞皆呈極顯著差異。來自印度東部的7號種原、印度東南部的8號種原、菲律賓的13號種原、越南的15號種原、沙巴的18號種原及菲律賓的23號種原在四湖試驗地的苗木生長表現優異。其中7、8、15與23號種原在講美試驗地之生長亦佳,唯獨來自菲律賓的13號種原生長欠佳。來自埃及亞力山卓的3號與4號種原、關島的5號種原、印度東部的6號與東南部的9號種原、肯亞的11號種原、巴布新幾內亞的12號種原、沙巴的17號種原,以及來自泰國南部的26、27與28號種原苗木,在四湖試驗地之表現中等或生長欠佳。其中6、9、11與12號種原在講美試驗地卻有逐漸展現生長優勢的趨向,3與28號種原之苗木表現中等,4、5、17、26與27號種原則生長欠佳。就整體而言,木賊葉木麻黃之自然分佈原已相當廣泛,且部分產區又受海洋阻隔,再加上許多國家的引種及 馴化,以致有不盡相同的族群結構與適應型式的形成。基於種原間之廣大遺傳變異陸與靈活度,朝向開展木賊葉木麻黃對海岸環境逆壓的遺傳可塑性,將不失為一良好的育種策略,也將是本試驗在本省的最佳應用。


Twenty eight seedlots of Casuarina equisetifolia collected from 14 countries were obtained from the Division of Forestry, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Reasearch Organization, Australia. Seedlings were not-planted to 2 test plantations located at Shy-Ho, Yueng-Lin county and Chiang-Mei, Peng-Hu county. Highly significant differences were found in seed weighs among provenances. The correlation analyses of seed weighs and seed- Sing growth characteristics were not significant at the 5% level. Survival, seedling height and basal diameter measured at 6 months and 1 year after planting were significantly different between two plantations with the exception of basal diameter measured at 6 mouths. Growth performance of seedlings was helter as Shy-Ho than that at Chiang-Mei where weather conditions were severe. Alt seedling growth characteristics were significantly different among provenances at both Shy-Hu and Chiang-Mei plantations. Seedlings of provenance 7 and 8 from lndia, provenance 13 and 23 from the Philippines, provenance 15 from Vietnam and provenance 18 from Sabah exhibited promising growth at Shy-Ho plantation, white seedlings of provenance 13 wore inferior, seedling of provenance 7 and 8 exhibited medium growth but seedlings of provenance 8, 15 and 23 still outporformed the others at Chiang-Mei plantation. Seedlings of provenance 3 and 4 from Egypt, provenance 6 and 9 from India, provenance 11 from Kenya, provenance 12 from Papua New Guinea, provenance 17 from Sabah and provenance 26, 27 and 28 from Thailand exhibited medium to inferior growth at Shy-Ho plantation. However, seedlings of provenance 6, 9, 11 and 12 showed gradually promising superiority at Chiang-Mei plantation, while seedlings of provenance 3 and 28 performed medium growth and seedlings of provenance 4、5、17、26 and 27 still exhibited inferiority. In general, Casuarina equisetifolia is widely distributed. Its natural habitats are separated by the grown. Additionally, is has been introduced to many countries and grown far several generations. Domestication and geographic barriers to gene flow has resulted in different population structures and adaptation pasterns. The enhancement of genetic plasticity to coastal environmental stresses on the basis of extensive genetic variability and flexibility misled among provenances appears so ho a good breeding strategy of Casuarina equisetifolia and there fore the best implication of this experiment as application viewpoint in Taiwan.
