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Evaluation of the Quality of Drinking Water in Metropolitan Taipei and It's Neighboring Areas


飲水水質的好壞,關係國民身體健康至鉅。作者等曾於64年7月至65年6月間在台北市自來水廠所轄的蟾蜍山,新店溪,双溪,南港內湖,陽明北投等五淨水處理場及三重市深井區等六個供水區內,選擇了72處採樣點,每點各採樣4次,全年合計採樣262次,實施飲水之理化和細菌學檢查,以評價台北市及其近部居民日常飲用的自來水,其品質是否合乎衛生標準。本文即報告此研究之結果:一、理化:1.關於可能影響健康的物質:氟化物和硝酸鹽氮,在六個供水區內全部的水樣中,其含量均合於台北市自來水質標準。2.關於能影響自來水適飲性之物質:色,濁度,氯化物,硝酸鹽和銅的檢查,在所有水樣中均合於台北市自來水質標準;鐵、鈣和鎂的含量,除在三重市的水樣中平均稍超過自來水的標準外,其他各供水區的自來水中,均合於標準。唯亞硝酸鹽氮,除三重市深井水外,曾出現於其他五個供水區的水樣中,且出現之情況與水樣之種類及採樣點與淨水場之遠近距離無明顯之關係;不過,其出現之頻率及含量均為很低。這種情形是否由於偶然的水質處理較欠澈底或輸水系統中某處遭受污染?須待進一步確定及改進。3.關於有毒物質,本計劃因限於設備僅檢查「鉻」一項,發現在各供水區的直接用水水樣中,其含量均符合自來水水質之標準;但在間接用水水樣中,其含量偶有超過水質標準中最大容許量的現象,唯其超出之幅度極小,需加以注意和改進。4.關於有效餘氯和酸度:在所有自來水的檢查中,兩者均合於自來水標準。二、細菌:1. 在蟾蜍山淨水場供水區內,直接用水水樣中大腸菌類的最大可能數值合於臺北市自來水質之細菌標準:但在間接用水水樣中,該菌之密度則稍高於水質標準,且在距淨水處理場的近、中、遠端地區的水樣中均屬如此;是否由於該用戶之樓下蓄水池或屋頂的水塔,其建築不合於標準,或使用時間過久,未加以清理所致,尚需加以確定。2.在新店溪淨水處理場的供水區內,直接用水之水樣中,大腸菌類之含量合於水質標準,而間接用水水樣中大腸菌類含量亦稍超過水質之標準值。同時,本供水區內中端地方之水樣,無論是直接用水或間接用水,該菌之含量均高於標準,是否由於該段輸水系統中在某處遭受污染所致,尚待檢定。3.雙溪、南港內湖、及陽明北投等淨水場供水區內自來水中的大腸菌類含量均合於水質標準。4.三重市供水區之水源,主來自深井水,其水樣內平均大腸菌類的最大可能數值高於水質標準之含菌量,有受污染之徵象,但該區水樣中均未發現有亞硝酸鹽氮存在,唯該區若干處的水樣,在歷次檢查中,均未發現大腸菌類之存在,極可能其水質與深水井的個別品質的好壞有關。




The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the quality of drinking water supplied by the Taipei Water Plant from physical, chemical, and bacteriologic examinations. Criteria used for evaluation are the drinking water standards set up by City Government of Taipei. 262 samples of water were collected and examined from 72 sampling spots selected along the water pipe distribution system during the one year study period which started from July 1975 and finished in June 1976. The following are the conclusions of this study:1. Except water sampled from San Chung water supply area, examinations of the water samples collected from various spots in other five water supply areas (Charn Chuw San, Shin Dian Shi, Shuang Shi, Nankong-Neyhwu, and Yangming-Peitou) indicate that the quality of drinking water supplied in these areas is generalIy fit to the drinking water standards set up by City Government of Taipei either in physical, chemical or bacteriologic aspects. However, water analyses data reveal that the water conveyed to a higher building by repumping on consumer's premise through a reservoir or a tank in Charn Chuw San and Shin Dian Shi water supply areas did not constantly comform to the standards of drinking water.2. Most sources of water supply in San Chung water supply area are the deep wells, and Iaboratory examination of water sampled from there disclosed that the quality of drinking water is undesirable either in physical, chemical or bacteriologic measurements.3. All sources of water supply in Metropolitan Taipei have been polluted, particularly the water sampled from Shin Dian Shi. However, the amount of toxic substances contained in the water was limited.


