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The Development of a Clinical Nursing Competence Evaluation for Nurses with a B.S. Degree


本研究之目的在發展「醫學院護理學系畢業生臨床護理能力評量表」以為評鑑醫學院護理教育成效或作為學士護理人員臨床護理能力考核之工具。量表之發展除確認專業護理人員應具備之角色、功能及能力,並依據大學護理教育目標及畢業生應有的特質等初稿撰擬經分類,再依據專家所提意見、因素分析的結果、配合研究目的及筆者的判斷修訂完成。本量表分甲、乙兩卷,甲卷由護理長評量;乙卷由受評學士護理人員自我評量。評量表之內容分是為兩大部分:(1)「一般性專業護理能力」44題,其中認知行為評量14題;情意行為評量14題及技能行為評量16題。認知行為領域包括綜合知識與技能之運用,護理過程之應用,整體護理及自我成長;情意行為領域包括病人生理、心理及社會的需要,與醫療團隊協調合作及護理專業價值認定;技能行為領域包括專業技能判定、內外科無菌術,以病人為中心及環境的維護。(2)「高層次專業護理能力」12題,包含臨床護理判斷與問啟解決能力、健康指導及領導能力。甲卷量表採用Likert的總加態度量表型式,以五個相等等級考量;乙卷量表每題均有五個答索,各代表著護士處理問題的不同護理方式。本研究設計之評量表的信度以Cronbachα公式計算,α= 0.929;折半信度採范氏公式(Flanagan formula)求得γ值為0.952;再測信度為0.923。量表效度經十六位專家評鑑量表之內容效度有97.4%的一致性,並經因素分析及建構效度處理,結果均證實本量表具有相當高的信度和效度。


This study was designed to develop a ”Clinical Nursing Competence Evaluation Scale for Nurses with a B.S. Degree” which will serve as a tool to evaluate the efficacy of nursing education as well as clinical nursing competence. With the roles, functions, competence and qualities of the nurse taken into consideration and with professional comments, the said scale was developed and divided into Type A and Type B. Type A is used by the head nurse, while Type B is completed by the nurse herself. The evaluation scale consists of two parts, with 44 general questions in part I designed to examine the professional competence of nurse, including 14 questions each on cognitive and affective behavior and 16 questions on psychomotor skills. The cognitive behavior domain includes use of knowledge and skills, holistic nursing and self-growth; affective behavior includes the physiological, psychological and social needs of the patients, coordination and cooperation with the medical team and self-recognition as a health care professional; psychomotor skills include professional skill judgement, medical and surgical asepsis, patient-centered nursing and care of the environment. Part II has only 12 questions for evaluation of high level professional nursing competence which includes clinical judgement and problem-solving ability, health education and leadership. Type A adopts the method of summated ratings of the Likert Scale with five equal rating questions. In Type B, each question has five answers indicating different possibilities for management of nursing care problems. This scale was processd by Cornbach α Formula, with α= 0.929; while splite-half reliability was obtained as α= 0.952 by Flanagan Formula. Test and re-test reliability was 0.923; valividity analysis of the sacle contents was rated by 16 professionals and experts as 97.4% in inter-item consistency. The scale was further ascertained through factor and item analysis and the construct validity process proved to be highly reliable and valid.


陳麗紅(2011)。新進護理人員二年期臨床護理師(護士)四個 階段訓練具備之護理能力探討〔碩士論文,臺北醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6831/TMU.2011.00062
