  • 學位論文

新進護理人員二年期臨床護理師(護士)四個 階段訓練具備之護理能力探討

Study on the Results from the Execution of 2-year Clinical Registered Nurse (Nurse) Four stages Training Program for Newly Employed Nursing Staff

指導教授 : 盧美秀


本研究旨在了解二年期臨床護理師(護士)訓練計畫,實施後針對 基本照護能力、溝通能力、重症照護能力、倫理及法律素養能力、行 政能力及自我專業成長能力六大護理能力看法調查,並以PGY學員 自評與臨床輔導員評核結果比較四個階段訓練差異,。本研究採橫斷 性研究設計(cross -sectional studies)問卷調查法,以南部及北部各選一 家同屬新制醫院優等區域教學醫院為例,針對有實施「二年期臨床護 理師(護士)訓練計畫」PGY學員及臨床輔導員,採方便取樣方式選取 個案,自2010年06月01日至12月30日止,經二所醫院之IRB審 核通過,並取得醫院同意,進行資料收集,此期間共發出180份(PGY 學員90份、臨床輔導員90份),回收問卷162份,回收率90%,總 計有效樣本144份(PGY學員72份、臨床輔導員72份),有效回收率 為80%。研究工具採自擬「PYG學員接受二年期臨床護理師(護士) 訓練之護理能力調查表」,包括六大類97項,本量表經信效度檢定, 效度採專家效度及信度採內在一致性檢定,Cronbach´s α為.93。 本研究結果:二年期臨床護理師(護士)訓練計畫PGY學員於四 個階段訓練,分別比較PGY學員自評與臨床輔導員看法評分,其平均分數臨床輔導員大部份高於PGY學員,針對PGY學員調查六大護理能力自評平均差異,平均值為2.5分以上佔4大類,平均值為2.5分以下佔2大類。臨床輔導員對PGY學員調查六大護理能力看法平均差異,平均值為2.5分以上佔5大類。平均值為2.5分以下佔1大類。在個人基本屬性與護理能力自評之差異分析中,PGY學員之年齡與基本照護能力,F=.012(P <.05),子女數與重症照護能力,F=.043(P <.05),工作區域與重症照護能力,F=2.791(P <.05),教育程度與自我專業成長能力,F=2.694(P <.01),皆呈統計學上顯著差異。在倫理及法律素養照護能力之自評上,南部醫院高於北部醫院,在自我專業成長能力大學學歷高於專科學歷。因此醫院護理管理者可積極思考,如何讓新進護理人員護理能力提升落實執行,唯有醫療機構、護理教育及政府政策共同努力,才能提升優質醫療照護品質。 關鍵字:PGY學員、PGY訓練計畫、臨床輔導員、護理能力


This study aimed to understand the two-year clinical nurse (nurses) training program, implementation capacity for basic care, communication skills, critical care capacity, ethical and legal literacy, administrative ability and professional growth of self-care ability etc. six nursing capacities view investigation and compare the differences between the four stages training, differences from PGY students Comments the quantity and clinical instructor’s assessment results. This study used cross-sectional studies design (cross-sectional studies) questionnaire. We selected a new system hospital each from south and north which were both excellent regional teaching hospitals, and with implementation of a "two-year clinical nurse (nurses) training Project" PGY students and clinical instructors. We convenience sampling selected sample of cases from June 1 to December 30, 2010 only. After the approval of the two hospitals’ IRB, and obtain the hospital agreement to proceed case data collection. 180 copies were issued during this period (PGY 90 students, 90 clinical instructors). 162 questionnaires were returned 90%, a total of 144 valid samples (PGY 72 students, 72 clinical instructors). The effective rate was 80%. Research tool was intended to be use "PYG student’s view and survey for accepting the two-year clinical nurse (nurses) of nursing competency training". The scale had the reliability and validity, validity mining expert validity and internal consistency reliability of collected test, Cronbach's α of .93. The results: Two years clinical nurse (nurses) training program PGY students in the four stages, namely, comparison of the clinical students and instructors view of PGY score, the average score of clinical instructors were higher than PGY students. As to six nursing capacities view average mean of PGY students, 4 items accounting for average of 2.5 or above, and 2 items accounting for an average of 2.5 points or less. Clinical instructor’s six nursing capacities view average mean of PGY students, 5 items accounting for average of 2.5 or above, and 1 item accounting for an average of 2.5 points or less. In basic individual properties and nursing competency analysis, PGY student demographic age and basic care abilities, F =. 012 (P <.05), number of children with critical care capacity, F =. 043 (P <. 05), work area and critical care capacity, F = 2.791 (P <.05), professional growth and self-education ability, F = 2.694 (P <.01), were highly statistically significant difference. In ethics and legal ability and the quality of care’s point of view southern hospital was higher than the northern hospital. In self professional development ability, university degrees were higher than associate degree. Therefore, hospital nursing management can think actively on how to improve new nurse’s ability for implementing care. Only medical institutions, nursing education and the joint efforts of government policy we can thereby enhance the quality of medical care. Key words:PGY、PGY Training、Program、Preceptor、Nursing competence


PGY PGY Training Program Preceptor Nursing competence




