  • 學位論文


A Study of Nursing Graduates’ Professional Competencies and the Corresponding Contents of Learning Portfolio

指導教授 : 吳清基 徐昊杲


本研究以護理類畢業生踏入護理照護職場時所需的專業能力為主要研究範圍,先蒐集相關文獻及理論,並利用任務分析法(Task Analysis Approach)、學科轉變法(Course Conversion Approach)、焦點團體(focus group)法發展出能力因素構面結構圖初稿,再以階層分析法(Analytic Hierachy Process,簡稱AHP)及德懷術(Delphi Technique)進行研究,與具實務經驗之專家學者的來回對話中,分析出護理類畢業生職場專業能力及其學習檔案內涵,以及了解其相對權重與重要性。 研究結果顯示,護理類畢業生應具備照護能力、社會關係與生命關懷能力、以及知識運用與專業成長能力等職場專業能力因素,在這三大能力因素下,又各自包含三個次能力因素;與這些次因素相應的學習檔案共25項,其中「臨床實習護理技能表現」、「護理專業相關證照」、「護理專業學科相關課程學習表現」、「病人安全維護相關學習經驗」、「照護實務培訓紀錄」、「批判性思考與問題解決相關課程學習表現」、「護理實驗課程學習表現」、及「急救相關證照」等8個為相對較重要的學習檔案。在25個學習檔案項目中,學界與業界的排序並不相同,學界比業界更重視「尊重生命與關懷相關課程學習表現」、「尊重生命與關懷相關主題研習活動紀錄」、「各類服務社團活動或有其他關懷生命之具體事蹟」、及「基礎醫學相關課程學習表現」;業界比學界顯著地更重視「與個人專業成長相關之證照」、「照護實務培訓紀錄」、及「急救相關證照」。 研究者建議學校應設計培養學生照護能力之課程、增進學生自我與專業成長的動機及能力、強化學生的實務經驗及鼓勵學生規劃相關證照的取得、加強與業界夥伴關係、建立學生學習檔案的機制、追蹤畢業生臨床服務職場表現;業界應暢通與學界的對話橋樑、重視基礎醫學課程做為徵才時的參考;未來研究方向應可進行相關的縱貫性研究、比較不同學習檔案建立方式的功效、擴大至不同的學習領域進行相關研究。


This study explored the professional competencies required of nursing graduates as they enter the healthcare workplace by starting with a literature review and focus group discussion, followed by extensive dialogues with field experts and scholars that possess practical experience. Delphi technique and analytic hierarchy process (AHP)were used to establish the indicators of nursing professional competencies and the corresponding contents of learning portfolio. The results indicate that nursing graduates should possess the following competencies to conduct nursing care, to care for social relations and life, and to apply knowledge for professional growth. Under each of the above three major competencies there are three sub-competencies. Among the 25 items of learning portfolio that correspond to these sub-competencies, eight appeared to be relatively more important, i.e. nursing skills performance in clinical practice, professional licenses and certification related to nursing care, course performance in professional nursing care, learning experience of protecting patents’ safety, records of clinical training, course performance in critical thinking and problem-solving, course performance in nursing experiments, and first aid licenses. However, experts of the academia and the industry had made different ratings for the 25 items of learning portfolio. The academia placed more emphasis on course performance in caring and respecting life, activity records on the themes of caring and respecting life, proofs of participating in social services or life-caring activities, and learning performance in basic medical courses. In contrast, the industry gave more weight to licenses that show one’s professional growth, records of clinical training, and first aid licenses. This study suggests that the university offer more courses to cultivate students’ nursing care abilities, provide incentives to increase students’ motivation and capabilities for self and professional growth, enhance students’ practical experience, encourage students to obtain professional licenses, work in close partnership with the industry, establish a mechanism for learning portfolio assessment, and follow up on nursing graduates’ clinical job performance. The industry, on the other hand, is suggested to establish a direct channel for having dialogues with the academia and to use student course performance in basic medical courses as an important reference in recruiting personnel. Future research may conduct longitudinal studies, compare the effects of different forms of learning portfolio, or duplicate this study in other subject fields.




