  • 學位論文


Survey of the Professional Competency of College Students and the Curriculum Design for Industrial Engineering and Management

指導教授 : 鄭純媛 孫德修


本研究主要探討在環境的轉變下,當前工業工程與管理領域之學生應具備的重要專業能力與一般管理能力。研究方法是運用問卷調查法,以中部某科技大學工業工程與管理系畢業系友為研究對象,透過畢業系友在職場的工作經驗,針對該系系友從事工作之產業與職務,調查各項職務所需專業能力及一般管理能力。本研究並依據調查所得之重要專業能力與一般管理能力建構課程規劃架構。本研究獲得下列結果: (1) 該系畢業系友在不同入學時期與其剛就業之工作所屬產業無顯著相關,此結果顯示系友剛就業的產業屬性不會因為社會與經濟環境的變化而有顯著不同,主要的產業仍是以製造業為主。 (2) 該系畢業系友在不同入學時期與其剛就業之工作職務無顯著相關,此結果顯示系友剛就業的職務屬性不會因為社會與經濟環境的變化而有顯著不同,其中以從事生管/物管人員或主管、現場主管/基層主管職務佔多數。另外有超過三分之一的畢業學生從事非工業工程與管理領域相關職務,呈現出該系畢業學生就業的多元。 (3) 生管/物管人員或主管、品管人員或主管、資訊人員或主管、現場主管/基層主管等職務所需最重要的專業能力分別為產銷協調、客訴處理、系統分析、派工與人員管理;而最重要的一般管理能力為溝通協調,此結果顯示人與人之間的溝通是相當重要的。


This study aims to explore the required important professional competency and the general management competency for students majoring in industrial engineering and management (IEM) in current in environment economy status. Questionnaire is performed to survey the alumni of the industrial engineering and management department of a university of science and technology located in the central area of Taiwan. The information of the required professional competency and the general management competency are collected according to the alumni’s work experience in different industries and job positions. In this research, the curriculum planning structure of IEM is constructed according to the results of the survey. Some important results from this research are obtained as follows. (1) The alumni’s graduation period is not significantly related to the type of industry that the alumni chose right after graduation. The results of the study displayed that the alumni’s choice of industry is not affected by the changes of the social and economic environment. The major choice of industry is still manufacturing or production industry. (2) The alumni’s graduation period is not significantly related to the type of job that the alumni chose right after graduation. The results of the study displayed that the alumni’s choice of job is not affected by the changes of the social and economic environment. The major choices of job are Production/Materials engineer/manager and on-site supervisor. Moreover, there are more than one third of the alumni chose a job not relating to IEM profession. This implies that IEM alumni can have variety choices of job career. (3) The most important professional competency for the job of Production/Materials engineer/manager is the coordination of production and marketing; quality control engineer/manager is the service of consumer complaint; information technology (IT) engineer/manager is systems analysis; On-site supervisor is dispatch and personnel management; and the most important competency of general management is communication and coordination. These results show that the competency of communication between people is very importance in IEM.


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