  • 期刊


A Longitudinal Study of Physique and Basic Physical Fitness of Chinese Children and Adolescentes in the Second Year


本研究是「我國國民敎育階段中兒童及青少年身心發展之研究」三年連續計劃的第二年研究工作中的一部份。第二年之研究工作,仍然照原来的方式進行,繼續以第一年取樣的國小一年級、四年級,以及國中一年級學生(即第二年目前的國小二年級、五年級、和國中二年級取樣學生)作爲追蹤研究的對象。結果發現在體格方面,身高的生長國小二年級和國中二年級男生平均高於女生。體重在國小二、五年級,和國中二年級,都是男生平均重於女生。坐高在國小二年級男生平均略高於女生,但是在國小五年級和國中二年級,都是女生平均高於男生。腿長在國小二、五年級,都是女生平均略長於男生,但是到國中二年級却男生平均長於女生。 在體能測驗方面,除了國小二年級男生屈臂懸垂,國中二年級女生仰臥起坐、立定跳遠和耐力跑等四項,由第一年至第二年的增進達到顯著性的差異外,其他各年級男女生各項體能的發展之增進都達到差異非常顯著的程度。 又體能測驗各項目之間的相關,發現八項體能測驗分成兩組:第一組是引體向上、屈臂懸垂、仰臥起坐、立定跳遠、和壘球擲遠等五項;第二組是50公尺短跑、折返跑、和耐力跑等三項。其項目之間的相關係數,兩組中凡是同組內各項目之間均爲正相關,而兩組之間各項目均爲負相關。




This study is to use the longitudinal approach to investigate the development of the second year (grade 2,5 and 8)of physique and basic physical fitness of Chinese children and adolescents. The subjects are 648 in number selected from the same grade 1,4 and 7 of the last year. The main findings are as follows: 1. According to the measurement of the same subjects of the first years grade 1, 4, and 7, there are steady increase of body height, weight and sitting height in both sexes of three grades in the second year. 2. The increase of muscular strength of boys in grade 2, and flexibility, muscular power and endurance of girls in grade 8 have reached the level of significance (P<0.05). The increase of all other items of physical fitness in both sexes of three greads have reached the level of more significance (P<0.01). 3. The correlation between the items of physical fitnees can be divided into two groups: pull-ups, flexed-arm-hanging, sit-up, standing long jump and soft-ball throw for distance are in one group, and 50 meter sprint, shuttle run and endurance run are in another group. The correlation coefficients of the items in the same group are positive, but the correlation coefficients of the items between two groups are negative.


