  • 期刊


Design of Vent in Aluminum Alloy Tilt Gravity Casting and Application of CAE


良好的排氣道設計對鋁合金金屬模重力鑄造來說相當重要,模具排氣不良會造成充填不全與其他非預期的缺陷。配合現今的鑄造CAE軟體,可以幫助設計排氣道大小與位置時有可靠的解析結果作參考,並預先模擬完整鑄造方案設計之結果,免除傳統試誤法(Trial-and-Error)的缺點,提升鑄造廠整體之競爭實力。本研究主要目的是針對一A356鋁合金傾斜式金屬模重力鑄造模具之充填不良問題,利用鑄造模流凝固解析軟體-ProCAST進行模擬。結論顯示,考慮背壓(back pressure)參數進行計算的模擬結果與實際金屬外型結果相當吻合,且經由模擬計算,本研究鑄造方案之背壓修正值為0.067atm(6788.775Pa)。此外,增加排氣道大小亦有助於改善充填不良之缺陷。使用CAE軟體與傳統的試誤法相比共節省63%的時間與40%的成本,可以幫助傳統鑄造產業提升競爭力。


A good vent design is essential for aluminum alloys gravity casting. A poorly designed vent will cause misrun in casting and other unexpected defects. Available foundry engineering CAE software can provide reliable analysis results for designing gating system, predict the outcome of gating, avoid drawbacks of traditional "Trail-and-Error" method, and give the foundry a competitive advantage. The objective of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of solving misrun problem of an aluminum alloys gravity casting vent using the foundry CAE software, PROCAST. The simulation result is in good agreement with the actual result when "back pressure" is included in the simulation. The correction value of "back pressure" is 0.067atm (6788.775) in this simulation result. The simulation showed that increasing vent area will help to solve the misrun problem. The CAE simulation method saves 63% of time and 40% of cost when compared with the tradition "Trail-and-Error" method.
