  • 期刊


Improvement of TFT-LCD Quality in High-Temperature Operation from Customer Complaints


液晶顯示器的高溫試驗主要是加速產品老化,以了解電子元件及材料是否受高溫影響而導致瑕疵或喪失功能。現階段由顧客聲音回饋品質問題發現,液晶顯示器在長時間使用下,有畫面閃爍的異常現象。顯示目前的試驗條件並無法提供顧客品質保證。本研究以實驗設計為架構,透過顯著因子的鑑定、變異數分析中的適合度檢定以及預測模型的分析程序,推論在所設定實驗範圍內的新試驗條件。分析結果發現,將畫面更新頻率、溫度、測試畫面以及時間分別調整為75 Hz、60度、2 Line以及4小時,可以在燒入試驗中完全正確分類個案廠商所提供的正常與異常面板。經風險評估,新試驗條件並不會造成其他品質特性的異常,表示所獲得的結論,具有高度的可靠性。在成果的效益上,可大幅降低73.87%的顯示品質不良以及減少約1萬美金的品質失敗成本及降低292個維修工時。


High temperature tests can accelerate aging to understand the cause of failure of electronic components and materials for liquid crystal displays. According to customer complaints, some liquid crystal displays will flicker after a long time of operation. At present, the high temperature test conditions cannot provide customer quality assurance. In this paper, the experimental design analysis procedures was used to adjust the test parameters by three main stages, including identify significant factors, goodness of fit test and prediction model analysis. The analysis results showed that the screen update frequency, temperature, test pattern and time were adjusted to 75 Hz, 60 degrees, 2 Line and 4 hours, could provide 100% correct classification for normal and abnormal panel in the high temperature test. According to the risk assessment, the new test conditions did not cause side effects on quality. From the benefit evaluation, the new test procedure can reduce 73.87% of poor display quality, reducing the quality failure cost about $10,000 and 292 repair time hours.
