  • 期刊


A Study on Visitors' Cognition of Thematic Images~A Case Study of the Leofoo Village Theme Park


本文以六福村主題遊樂園遊客之意象分析爲主要訴求,來探討遊客之相關主題意象爲何,進而提出一些有關主題氣氛營造的建議,供業者在研擬行銷策略時之參考。 研究結果發現遊客之主題意象中,其整體意象方面可分爲「展示之表演與物品」及「氣氛與硬體設施」兩個因素構面。而關於單項意象上,則可分爲「非刺激性遊樂設施」、「紀念品」、「觀賞性建築」、「養飲性建築」、「表演節目」、「刺激性遊樂設施」、「雜項因素」及「音樂性節目」等八個因素構面,此等意象因素構面可供主題園經營者在營造主題氣氛之參考依據。其次,遊客對於六福村主題園的意象,主要還是著重在整體意象及刺激性的遊樂設施上。此外,遊客的基本屬性中,只有年齡與現居地對整體意象之認知有顯著的差異。遊客之基本屬性不同,對於部分單項意象之認知有顯著差異。遊客之旅遊特性不同,對於部分整體意象及單項意象之認知有顯著之差異。 因此,本文認爲六福村主題遊樂園之整體意象已有塑造出來,但在細部設施之意象上,由於遊客過於重視刺激性遊樂設施的結果,導致對其他遊樂項目意象薄弱,故建議園方可加強節目表演及物品展示等方面之意象營造。


The purposes of this study were to figure out how the visitors' images on the Leofoo Village Theme Park. It would provide the park managers with some suggestions for the development of the thematic atmosphere. This study has found that visitors' general images on this park were classified into two dimensions, named as: 「the shows and objects on display」 and 「atmosphere and hardware facilities」 The detail images on individual items were classified into eight dimensions, named as: 「non-stimulus recreational facilities」、「souvenir」、「landscape structures」、「restaurant buildings」、「shows」、「stimulus recreational facilities」、「miscellaneous factor」 and 「music shows」. However, visitor images were mostly focused on the dimensions of the 「general image」 and the 「stimulus recreational facilities」 while ignoring the image on shows and displays. In the hypothetical tests of this study, only visitor age and residence were found to have significant relations with their general image on the park. Besides, it was found that some visitors' attributes were significantly related to some the detail images. As for the relationships between visitors' travel characteristics and their thematic images, it was found that only partial relations existed. In general, this study would conclude that the Leofoo Village Theme Park has established the general image for which it always appeals. But the fact of visitors' too much emphasis on the stimulus recreational facilities would lead to the declination of other thematic images. This research would suggest that the Park should put more emphasis on the image creation of shows and displays than just on stimulus recreational facilities.


陳秋蓉(2008)。遊客體驗、旅遊意象與重遊意願關係之研究 -以西拉雅國家風景區為例〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2008.00066
