  • 期刊


A Study on Behavior Pattern of Tourism in Pei-pu Traditonal Settlement


傳統聚落本身的寧適價值,在引入觀光活動下,將促使當地過度商業化,有資本主義追求最大經濟利益的隱憂,導致聚落原有獨特風貌將逐漸消失,是遊憩與景觀專業所關心的的社會現象。觀光發展無可避免的會對傳統聚落產生衝擊,如何讓觀光客的遊憩需求與居民的生活產生互動,使觀光利益為全體居民所共享,並發展出調適的空間行為機制確保景觀與觀光產業,是傳統聚落觀光發展應重視的課題。 本研究從環境行為觀點,認為由居民觀光發展態度所塑造的情境會影響遊客對遊憩地點的選擇,透過篩選遊客類型利用空間暗示模式達成規範遊客行為及居民行為的目的。過程中採質性研究紮根法為基礎,以文獻回顧、參與觀察及訪談蒐集新竹北埔地區居民與遊客行為以及居民觀光發展態度資料,經由詮釋及圖式分析進行歸納,論述觀光發展在社會文化層面的衝擊及探討居民及遊客行為在空間上共存互動的模式。 研究發現維繫北埔聚落的兩大力量「傳統空間結構」及「居民情感」,受觀光衝擊而改變,1.居民日常空間使用型態被犧牲轉為服務遊客的假期休閒,2.居民的生活空間淪為與遊客共享的場所,3.利益的分配不均成為分割居民情感的利刃,4.外來消費概念造成的價值誘惑削弱囤墾初期勤苦的客家精神。結果顯示,遊客類型從無心的漫遊、風光瀏覽、資訊閱讀到學術研究等各有其活動的行為範域,與利益追求、憧憬想像、目標思考、無為等待等類型居民的空間分布,經由計畫的空間模式來推演各種空間的使用行為,可減低觀光發展對聚落社會文化上的衝擊,這種行為空間模式推演是空間規劃中協商的重要機制。


With the introduction of tourist activity, the amenity value of traditional settlement prompted commercialization of the place. The largest economic interest pursued in capitalism resulted in the lost of unique quality of traditional settlement. This phenomenon is one of the major concerns of the field of both leisure study and landscape architecture. Inevitably, tourist development imposed impacts on traditional settlement. Thus it became important for the traditional settlement developing tourism to have interactions between tourists' need and habitant's life in order to make tourist interest be shared by the whole people and develop a mechanism for spatial behavior ensuring both indigenous landscape and tourist industry. In terms of environmental behavior study, this research assumed that the context shaped by the habitants' attitude toward tourist development would influence the selection of the recreational site of the tourist and that behavioral direction of both habitants and tourists could be achieved through the classification of tourist types and the employment of modes of spatial implication. Based on the grounded theory of qualitative study, literature review, participant observation and interview were utilized to investigate behavior of habitants and tourists in Pei-pu and the attitude of the former. Through the interpretation and induction of iconic analysis, the author tried to address the impact of tourist development in social and cultural aspects and behavioral pattern and interaction of habitants and tourists in the space. The results showed that the two forces (traditional spatial structure and bonds between habitants) which have maintained Pei-pu settlement for long are changing under the impact of tourist development. The main points are: 1. Ritual spaces for habitants were sacrificed as the service spaces for holiday recreation. 2. Habitants' living spaces were lapsed as shared spaces of tourists. 3. Unevenness of tourist interest had become the knife cutting bonds between habitants. 4. External consumerism caused the depression of diligent Hakkanian ethos of early deploitation period. The conclusion showed that tourists could be classified into four categories, i.e. roaming aimlessly, sight seeing, information oriented and deep explorer. Coordinating with four types of the habitant, i.e. interest pursuer, prospect holder, purposeful thinker, and do-nothing expectator, appropriate spatial pattern could be planed to minimize the impact of tourist development on social and cultural aspects of traditional settlement.


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