  • 期刊


The Influences of Visitors' Environmental Attitude and Situational Factors on the Occurrence of Vandalism: A Case Study of Littering in Yang-Ming-Shan National Park




環境暗示 實驗設計 告示牌


The occurrence of vandalism, such as littering, is one of the most troublesome problems of recreation management. This study aimed to explore if people's littering is influenced by their environmental attitudes as well as two situational factors: clean/dirty environment and the existence of warning notices. Four different experimental scenarios were designed and the ANCOVA method was used to analyze 1,352 obtained questionnaires. The results indicate that the better the environmental attitude of a person the lower their intention to litter. In a clean environment, people have a lower intention to litter. However, the existence of warning notices is not significantly related to the probability of littering. Research findings suggest that an effective approach to eliminate vandalism is to increase peoples' environmental attitude by interpretation. Recreation administrators/managers should clean a dirty environment and remove symbols of criminal behavior as soon as possible. In addition, to eliminate vandalism, recreation management institutions should pay attention to the content and design of warning notices.


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