

As e-mail has become a common communication tool in library services, education communities, and other aspects in our lives, it's essential to know how to communicate electronically. Navigating in cyberspace could become an unpleasant experience if people don't observe basic rules in governing their behaviors. This article discusses the usage of e-mail in library and information field and online web-based courses. It also explains basic etiquette when using e-mail to communicate. The essential components of an e-mail message and properly filling out its address, subject line, body text, and signature are included. Some examples of acceptable and unacceptable behaviors regarding e-mail communication are provided.


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LeLong, P.,Fearnley-Sander, M.(1999).E-mail Communities: A story of collaboration between students in Australia and Indonesia.Social Studies.90(3),114-120.
Mather, B.(2000).Read n'Rap: Connecting girls through literature and technology.Book Report.18(4),19-20.
