  • 期刊


Study on Variant Character in the Bamboo Slips and Current Edition of Wen Zi


本文旨在分析竹簡本《文子》與傳世本《文子》的各種異文現象。 《文子》是道家的重要文獻,現存十二篇,流傳以來,初無疑議。自唐柳宗元始指爲駁書,宋代學者疑爲偽作,清代學者則據《文子》以校訂《淮南子》,並認定《文子》抄襲《淮南子》,偽書之說遂爲主調。但究竟是誰抄誰,舊無定說。至1973年馬王堆帛書《老子》乙本卷前古佚書及河北定縣40號漢墓竹簡《文子》出土後,其史料價值乃被重新認識。 定縣西漢竹簡《文子》於1973年出土,1995年底在《文物》上刊出釋文。釋文刊出後,備受學界關注。分別從以文獻學、古文字學、學術史、思想史等方面進行探討。竹簡《文子》與傳世本比照,其內容可分爲三類,即相同、相似和佚文。在過去的研究中,儘管對簡本與傳世本異同做了一些比較研究,但對「異文」方面的研究卻著墨不多。 竹簡《文子》計277枚,凡2790字,其中因盜擾、火燒、炭化及地震而殘佚不全,能與博世本《文子》對照對應者,僅千餘字,且多集中在傅世本〈道德〉篇,故本文以〈道德〉篇爲主,進行異文分析。全文針對通假字、異體字、古今字、訛字、虛字、避諱用字、倒文、混同等異文例,進行對勘分析,藉以觀察《文子》一書之文本變化。


文子 異文 淮南子 簡牘


The project analyzes variant character in the bamboo slips and current edition of the Wen Zi. Wen Zi is an important literary contribution from Daoism. There are twelve passages which have been passed on. Before, no one questioned if the passages were original. Yet, since Tang Dynasty, Liu Zhongyuan firstly doubted the originality. He pointed out that the prevailing edition of Wen Zi was not original and was a forged work. After that, there was also the same doubting voice in Ching Dynasty. When the scholars in Ching Dynasty used Wen Zi as the authoritative text to emend Huai Nan Zi, they found that Wen Zi is plagiarism from Huai Nan Zi. This conclusion of plagiarism soon became the mainstream in the academic field. However, there was still a debate of ”Wen Zi and Huai Nan Zi, which is the original?” It was not until the finding of scripts in 1973, with the finding of the Mawangdui silk script, the foreword of the second edition of the ancient lost book Lao Zi, and the excavation of the bamboo script of Wen Zi from Han Dynasty Tomb number 40 in Ding County in Hebei province, the significance of Wen Zi as a historical document was reassessed. The Ding county Western Han bamboo script of Wen Zi was unearthed in 1973; in the end of 1995, a translated version of the text was published in Wen Wu After publication, the translated text was highly scrutinized by the academia, including projects of its value pertaining to literature, ancient etymology, historical knowledge, and historical philosophy. These projects have already conducted analysis of comparisons and contrasts. Comparisons and contrasts between the bamboo script version of Wen Zi and the passed down version can be divided into three aspects: identical passages, similar passages, and lost passages. Although some comparative and contrasting analysis were done, studies concerning ”variant characters” are relatively rare. The bamboo version of We Zi includes 277 scripts, 2790 characters. Unfortunately, since the scripts were damaged due to robbery, fire, carbonization and earthquake, then are merely about one thousand of words can be recognized and then analyzed. Moreover, the recognizable words are most about the specific piece Tao Te. As a result, this project will highly focus on Tao Te, to analyze the examples of interchangeable characters, variant form of characters, wrong characters, form characters, taboo characters, inverted characters, and misidentified characters, to investigate textual changes of Wen Zi.


Wcn Zi variant charactcrs Huai Nan Zi bamboo slips


