  • 期刊


A Textual Analysis of "Wu Jiang's Discipline Words" in Zhengwu Furen Gui Ruzi from Tsinghua Bamboo Slips


清華簡(陸)《鄭武夫人規孺子》一文,其中簡1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+10+11部分,主要記載鄭武夫人對其孺子莊公的規勸辭。本論文第二節,吸收學界最新研究成果,通釋《鄭武夫人規孺子》「武姜規勸辭」全 文;論文第三節,針對「武姜規勸辭」所見疑難詞語,逐一辨析現有諸說之是非,擇優汰劣之餘,再努力提出個人新見。第三節所釋疑難詞語,共有下列六則:(一)全篇多處「吾先君」、「吾君」、「君」的指稱對象;(二)簡2「既����□乃為之毀□所臤者女□之以龜簭」的斷讀;(三)簡5「今是臣=亓可不寳□先君之□心亓可不述」的斷讀;(四)簡6、8、13「女」字的釋讀;(五)簡6「丩攸」的釋讀;(六)簡7「乳=亦母以埶(臣豆)卑御勤力����(馬午)□妬之臣(身吕)共亓����色����於亓考語」的斷讀。


清華簡 左傳 鄭莊公 武姜 邊父


"Wu Jiang's discipline words" (Wu Jiang gui jie ci), one of the two main parts of Zhengwu furen gui ruzi from The sixth volume of Tsinghua bamboo slips collection (Tsinghua daxue cang Zhanguo zhujian), records discipline words offered by Wu Jiang to her son Zhuang Gong, mainly from slips 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+10+11. Referring to the latest research results of the academic community, the second section of this article aims to offer a comprehensive text reinterpretation of "Wu Jiang's discipline words." The third section deals with six problematic terms and passages, analyzing difficult and controversial issues in an attempt to offer personal innovative opinions. The third section examines six main problems: (1) identify the subjects referred to by the terms "wu xian jun," "wu jun" and "jun." (2) Interpret the sentence on bamboo slip no. 2, "ji de tu nai wei zhi hui tu suo xian zhe shen zhi yi gui shi." (3) Interpret the sentence on bamboo slip no. 5, "jin shi chen chen qi ke bu bao wu xian jun zhi zhang xin qi ke bu shu." (4) Analyze the word "nu" (woman) on bamboo slip no. 6, 8 and 13. (5) Interpret the phrase "ju xiu" on bamboo slip no.6. (6) Interpret the sentence on bamboo slip no. 5 "ru yi wu yi xie shu bi yu qin li she yu mei du zhi chen gong gong qi yan se yan yu qi qiao yu."


