  • 期刊


Local State Actors and Enterprise Behavior under the Grafting Marketization in the PRC


隨著市場化改革的持續深化,以及企業產權改革的逐步推展,中國大陸的經濟改革已經進入了「後轉型時期」,然而在這個制度修正與微調的階段中,過去改革所造成的路徑依賴因素(如改革策略的選擇、雙軌制的運作等),使得制度安排中出現了將不同制度功能進行嫁接的情況,使得市場與計畫體制的運作方式併存,讓政府與市場的因素產生交互作用,進而在地方經濟發展中出現了「新統合主義」的特徵,新統合主義是以國家能力理論對統合主義重建的結果,而本文以此來觀察大陸地方政府與企業的互動過程,進而提出地方統合主義發展模式(Local Corporatism Development Model, LCDM)來作為理解大陸政企互動的概念,本研究認受到路徑依賴與預期心態的影響,地方經濟領域中的政商互動,將會強化兩者間的相互依賴進而出現共生關係,而這種發展將不利於市場機制的正常運作。


This article intends to account for the local state actors and the behavior of enterprise by examining business-government relations in China. With the penetration of market reform and the clarification of enterprise property rights, China's economic reform has stepped into the post-transformation period. In this period characterized by institutional adjustment and fine tuning, path dependent factors from the early reform period (the choice of reforming strategy, dual-track institutions ete.) make the actor graft one mechanism onto another mechanism. During the grafting marketization process, market and plan coexist; state and market affect reciprocally; the features of the “new corporatism”emerge in the local economy. In this article, grounded in the new corporatism, where state capacity theory is integrated with the corporatism model, a Local Corporatism Development Model (LCDM) is developed to explain the interaction between the local state and enterprises in China. Owing to the influence of path dependency and expectation mentality, the relations of business-government will strengthen the interdependence between state and enterprises and finally evolve into a “symbiotic relationship”which will be unfavorable to the development of pure market mechanisms.


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