  • 期刊


The Political and Economic Implications of the Changing Incentive Mechanisms in the Chinese Special Economic Zones: A Case Study of the Tianjin Binhai New Area




This article explores the changing incentive mechanisms in the Chinese special economic zones. The special economic zones established in China since reform and opening-up play an important role in the economic development. After Hu An-Gang pointed out that the special economic zone was not "special" anymore in 1994, his perspective became the focus of attention. With China's accession to the WTO, the special economic zone model caused more disputes about fairness. In the face of criticism, however, the Chinese government still brought up the Tianjin Binhai New Area, a new special economic zone, to stimulate the development of the regional economy. This article argues that (1) the ability of the central government to promote economic growth is increasing; (2) the pattern of the economic development is changing from the special economic zones to the model of leading industrial policies. In the past, the government gave special economic zones special economic policies and allowed special economic zones to loosen regulation of economic affairs that is especially conducive to doing business that does not exist in the rest of China. Nowadays, the government permits policy privilege instead of special economic policies to the Tianjin Binhai New Area to promote economic growth. However, it is still within the limit of governmental controls of the economic development policy.


「中央批覆濱海新區規畫 打造中國經濟第三極」,中國評論網,2009年11月10日,http://www.chinareviewnews.com/doc/1011/3/0/7/101130770.html?coluid=7&kindid=0&docid=101130770。
