  • 期刊


A Review of Labor Disputes Resolution and the Labor Contract Law in China: From the Perspective of Procedural Law


中國勞動關係調整之法制架構分為事前規制、事後矯正二區塊。前者為實施勞動標準、推動集體合同、實行勞動合同制;後者則含勞動監察,與勞動爭議處理制度。歷次勞動法規制定過程中,勞動爭議處理規範向與勞動條件規範相應制定。蓋法諺云「有權利即有救濟」,中國勞動規範制定亦不例外,2007 年勞動合同法與勞動爭議調解仲裁法同年緊接制定,可謂典型。特別是,勞動爭議處理程序所受理之案件,將由勞工身分保障爭議轉向勞動合同履行爭議為主。勞動爭議調解仲裁法所建構爭議處理程序受理與進行,即需參照勞動合同法相關規定,始能理解爭議處理程序實然問題,及勞工保障實際情形。


The transition of the legal system for labor relationship in China can be grouped under two categories: preventive regulations and remedial measures. The former includes implementation of labor standards, enforcement of collective labor contracts, and administration of labor contract system. The latter covers on labor supervision and labor disputes resolution regulations. During the establishment of China's labor laws, the labor disputes resolutions regulations tend to correspond with labor condition rules. The institution of labor contract law and the law of labor disputes mediation and arbitration in 2007 is a typical case. Besides, among the cases of labor disputes resolution procedure, the most common type of labor disputes has shifted from the protection of labor's status to the implementation of labor contracts. The law of labor disputes mediation and arbitration has been effective since 2008. To find out its impacts on labor protection, it is necessary to refer to the related regulations in labor contract law when studying the factors and the procedures of cases accepted in the labor disputes mediation and arbitration law.


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