  • 期刊

Distribution of Macrofungi in the Quantaushi Forest, a Long-Term Ecological Research Site in Taiwan



作者在臺灣中部關刀溪長期生態實驗站從事大型擔子菌分佈與多樣性的調查研究,並且將該實驗站之生態特性予以記錄。實驗站中設有實驗樣區專供大型真菌生態調查研究用。調查結果顯示實驗樣區之優勢植物族群為野牡丹科、樟科、裏白科、山龍眼科、桃金孃科和胡桃科等。實驗樣區中主要大型真菌有小菇屬、小皮傘屬、趨木菌屬、栓菌屬、紅菇屬、革蓋菌屬、乳菇屬、鵝膏屬和韌革菌屬等。大型真菌子實體多數出現於七月間,少量子實體在三月間發現。小菇屬和小皮傘屬是最常見的大型真 菌,不論在夏季和冬季都可發現子實體。紅菇、革蓋菌、乳菇、鵝膏、蜜環菌、擬層孔菌、靈芝、小孔菌和赤褶菇之子實體在夏季出現,但是趨木菌、栓菌、韌革菌和筍氈菌之子實體則在冬季出現。實驗樣區中大型真菌的分佈富有變化,子實體出現頻率與真菌之多樣性和伴生植物植群具有相關性。真菌子實體出現多的樣區伴生植物有柏拉木、香桂、倒卵葉山龍眼、小葉赤楠、臺灣黃杞、菝契、杉木、腎蕨和倒葉瘤足蕨。然而,真菌子實體出現少的樣區伴生植物為紅花八角和中華裏。本研究顯示大型真菌的分佈與森林生態系的植物族群和環境條件有密切關係。


The distribution and diversity of basidiomycetous macrofungi at the long-term ecological research site in Gudaushi forest in central Taiwan were studied. The ecological characterization of the research site is described. Eight 100 m2 experimental plots were set up and sampled for ecological study. The dominant vegetation was composed of members of the Melastomataceae, Lauraceae, Gleicheniaceae, Proteaceae, Myrtaceae and Juglandaceae. The major macrofungal genera were Mycena, Marasmius, Xylobolus, Trametes, Russula, Coriolus, Lactarius, Amanita, and Stereum. Most of these macrofungi fruited in July. A less number of macrofungi were observed in March. Mycena and Marasmius were the most common macrofungi fruiting both in the summer and winter. Basidiocarps of Russula, Coriolus, Lactarius, Amanita, Armillaria, Fomitopsis, Ganoderma, Microporus, and Rhodophyllus species were present only in the summer period. Xylobolus, Trametes, Stereum, and Peniophora fungi were found in the winter. The distribution of macrofungi in the experimental plots varied. The occurrence and diversity of the macrofungi were associated with the type of predominant vegetation. The plants occurring in the richest plots were Blastus cochinchinesis, Cinnamomum randaiense, Helicia rengetiensis, Syzygium buxifolium, Engelhardtia roxburghiana, Smilax china, Cunninghamia lanceolata, Nephrolepis auriculata, and Plagiogyria dunnii. Illicium arborescens and Diplopterygium chinensis occurred in the plots with the fewest observed macrofungi. This study indicated that the distribution of macrofungi was related with the plant community and the environmental conditions of the forest ecosystem.


MATSUDA, Y., UESUGI, T., HSU, T. W., & CHEN, C. F. (2017). Mycorrhizal fungi associated with Taiwanese Pyrola morrisonensis (Ericaceae) in a naturally regenerated forest. TAIWANIA, 62(4), 399-406. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2017.62.399
