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The Operant Conditioning Therapy and Its Application in the Credits System: Introduction to the Tea Time Activity in the Day Care Center of NTUH Psychiatric Deparment






The ”credits System” based on the behavior operant conditioning theory was designed and practiced in the Day Care Center of NTUH Psychiatric Department. In this program, the patients were encouraged by secondary reinforcers to attend hospitial regularly and participate in activities actively. The credits system scores were announced at the ”tea time” weekly. The process and purpose of tea time are introduced in this article. For the purpose of understanding the conditioning effect of the credits system on patients, the authors designed ”a credits system questionnaire” that was given to 32 psychiatric inpatients of NTUH were invested. The answer showed that most patients approved of the credits system; 87% considered themselves improved in the frequency of arriving at the hospital on time and the performance of activities. Clinical observation also showed the patients attended the hospital more regularly and were involved in activities more progressively. Thus, by both questionnaire and observation, the credits system was proven effectiveness.
