  • 學位論文


The effect of the retrieval-extinction procedure on sugary tea drinkers: implicit attitude, explicit attitude, and drinking behavior

指導教授 : 何明洲


攝取過多的含糖茶飲會對健康造成危害,例如肥胖、齟齒、代謝性症候群、心血管疾病和癌症等,故減少含糖飲料使用是當務之急。在成癮的動物模型以及人類研究均發現,提取-消除程序(the retrieval-extinction procedure)具有減少動物慾求行為,以及人類慾求反應的長期效果。本研究目的為檢驗提取-消除程序在減少含糖茶飲慣用者的茶飲內隱和外顯態度偏好,以及茶飲使用行為的效果。研究對象為79位有含糖茶飲使用習慣的大學生,被隨機分派為三組,分別接受提取-消除程序且間隔10分鐘(R-E 10 min組)、消除訓練(Ext. only組)或提取-消除程序且間隔6小時(R-E 6 h組)的程序操弄。並在程序操弄前後及一週後檢測提取-消除程序是否影響參與者的茶飲內隱和外顯態度,和一週後的茶飲使用行為。內隱態度部分,採用視覺偵測作業(visual probe task)和情緒促發作業(affective priming task)分別檢驗參與者的注意力偏誤和內隱態度連結。外顯態度部分,採用問卷測量參與者的茶飲主觀渴求和正負向預期。行為部分,使用問卷測量茶飲使用行為。結果顯示,提取-消除程序並未減少茶飲慣用者的茶飲內隱和外顯態度偏好,也未減少一週後的茶飲使用行為。研究雖未發現提取-消除程序的影響,但研究結果也呈現出採用提取-消除程序減少人類慾求動機和行為的困難。故未來仍有需要持續探討並檢驗提取-消除程序對慾求記憶效果,以利發展出臨床可運用的成癮消除策略。


Many studies suggest that excessive intake of sugary tea (most added high-fructose syrup) can cause many health problems, such as obesity, dental care, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Animal and human studies have shown that the retrieval-extinction procedure can be successfully applied to alter addictive behaviors. We aimed to examine whether the retrieval-extinction procedure could attenuate sugary tea drinkers’ explicit and implicit attitudes toward sugary tea drink, and their drinking behaviors one week after. Seventy-nine healthy college students with sugary tea drink habit were randomly assigned to three groups. One group received the retrieval-extinction procedure with 10 min delay (the R-E 10 min group), another group received the typical extinction training (the Ext. only group), and the final group received the retrieval-extinction procedure with 6 hours delay (the R-E 6 h group). Through the experiment, participants’ explicit and implicit attitudes regarding the tea drink were measured before and immediately after the manipulation, and one-week follow-up. Participants’ tea drink behaviors were also measured before the manipulation, and one week after. For implicit attitudes, the visual probe task and the affective priming task were used to measure participants’ attentional bias and implicit memory associations, respectively. For explicit attitudes, the questionnaires were used to assess participants’ self-reported craving and expectancies (e.g., positive and negative) toward tea drinks. The recording sheet was used to record the participants’ tea drink behaviors. Results revealed that the retrieval-extinction procedure could not attenuate participants’ explicit and implicit attitudes toward sugary tea drink, and their drinking behaviors. We discussed the difficulty in applying the retrieval-extinction procedure in daily life. Further studies are required to understand the boundary conditions of this procedure in daily life.


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