  • 期刊


The Time Distribution and the Behaviors of Physical Therapy Clinical Instructors in Taiwan


為了提昇對台灣地區物理治療臨床教育中臨床指導老師工作時問分配以及溝通技巧、人際關係、教學能力及專業技術四大項行為之了解,本研究以電話訪問七十九學年度台灣地區全部五十七名臨床指導老師其時問分配情形,並以問卷調查其四大項行為之自我評價。結果發現在時間分配上,花在指導學生、治療病患、行政工作、其他,分別為每周 13.85, 15.65, 6.61,以及7.9小時;實習學生在實習機構每周所獲得之指導時數範圍在4.4-23.1, 平均為8.31小時。四大項行為的自我評估多集中在佳,其平均值分別為人際關係1. 88,溝通技巧2.1,專業技術2.22,教學能力2.34。


物理治療 臨床教育


The purposes of this study are 1) to reveal the time distribution of the clinical instructors, and 2)to demonstrate the self-ratings of the behaviors of clinical instructors. All of the 57 clinical instructors in 1990 received phone interviews regarding their time distribution while 39 of the 57 clincal instructors responded to the questionnaires regarding their behaviors. The results show that clinical instructors spent 13.85, 15.65, 6.61, and 7.9 hours por week on instructing physical therapy students, direct patient care, administration, and others, respectively. The time a student was supervised by an instructor ranged from 4.4 to 23.1, with a mean of 8.31 hours per week. Clinical instructors tended to rate their own behaviors as ”good, with the means of 1.88, 2.1, 2.22, and 2.34 for interpersonal relations, communication skills, professional skills and teaching, respectively.


Physical therapy Clinical education
