  • 期刊

Perceptual Fading as Revealed by Perceptual Filling-in and Motion-Induced Blindness





Perceptual-Filling-in (PFI) and Motion-Induced-Blindness (MIB) are two phenomena of perceptual rivalry in which a perceptually salient target, among a field of non-targets, disappear and reappear alternatively after prolonged viewing. Despite the apparent phenomenological differences between PFI and MIB, when we vary retinal eccentricity, stimulus contrast, perceptual grouping, and depth ordering, the results strongly suggest that both PFI and MIB are caused by a common mechanism. We argue that this mechanism involves boundary adaptation as a sufficient, but not a necessary condition. Given that PFI and MIB are more easily observed if the target is presented with uncrossed rather than crossed disparity, we tested further whether monocular depth cues such as interposition and watercolor illusion also affect the two phenomena, and whether the depth cues affect perceptual fading in static displays as well. Results suggest that perceived depth affects perceptual fading in almost any stimulus, whether dynamic or static.


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