  • 期刊

The Portrait of the Illustrator: Reconciling the Esthetic and the Ethical in "The Real Thing"





亨利.詹姆士 真品 肖像畫 美學 倫理


Henry James' ”The Real Thing” has traditionally been read as a lesson in art: namely, that art is a transformation rather than a copy of reality. A few critics have also commented on the moral theme of the story: that human compassion makes a better artist. The two readings, however, conflict with each other, because the artist in the story is forced to turn his back on his non-professional models to maintain his artistic integrity, while conceding that his art suffers ”a permanent harm.” This paper argues that the artist-narrator of the story actually fails the test to pass from romantic idealism to creative realism, which would have reconciled the esthetic with the ethical. The three art forms in the story-photography, illustration and portraiture-reflect James' appraisal of the creative process. Photography, as literary realism, lacks both creativity and depth. Illustration, meanwhile, though the narrator stresses imagination, seeks generalizations at the expense of individuality. Only portraiture achieves both verisimilitude and character. The differences in esthetic purposes affect the ethical relation between the artist and his subject. The illustrator-narrator rarely treats his professional model as more than props on a stage. His ambition to become a portraitist, on the other hand, leads him to sympathize with the Monarchs. Yet his lack of the penetrating eye and of an impartial understanding suggests that he finally falls short of his aspirations. James, tale thus teaches, by a negative example, not so much now to transcend life to achieve the real thing in art, but how to transform the real thing in life into the real thing in art.


Henry James The Real Thing portrait painting esthetics ethics


Aymar, Gordon C.(1967).The Art of Portrait Painting: Portraits Through the Centuries as Seen Through the Eyes of a Practicing Portrait Painter.
Baudelaire, Charles(1859).Photography, Essays and Images: Illustrated Readings in the History of Photography.
Bazargan, Susan(1991).Representation and Ideology in ‘The Real Thing’.The Henry James Review.12(2),133-137.
Cohen, Jane R.(1980).Charles Dickens and His Original Illustrators.
Downey, Fairfax(1986).Portrait of an Era as Drawn by C. D. Gibson.
