  • 期刊


Music and Historicity in Dufay's Nuper Rosarum Flores


1436年三月廿五日,杜飛(Guillallme Du Fay, ca. 1397-1474)的經文歌(Motet)《近日的玫塊花》(Nuper rosarum flores)在翡冷翠(Firenze, 英Florence)的聖母百花大教堂(Santa Maria del Fiore)獻祭典禮上演出。這一個在歐洲音樂史上經常可以見到的事件敘述,實則包含了許多音樂以外的概念與歷史背景。本文擬由這些概念出發,嘗試呈現,面對這部十五世紀前半的音樂作品時,理解相關的歷史文化背景,實為不可或缺的要件。


On March 25, 1436, Dufay's motet Nuper rosarum flores was performed at the consecration of Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence. This is the most common account of this work in the history of European music, yet it is but an over simplified statement. The fact is that any piece of composition involves ideas and historical background in which it is created. This article tries to contextualize Nuper rosarum flores by reconsidering the cultural, historical, social background of the first half of the 15th century in order to appreciate and understand the work properly.


Apel, Willi(1953).The Notation of Polyphonic Music 900-1600.Cambridge:The Mediaeval Academy of America.
Braunfels, Wolfgang(1964).Der Dom von Florenz.Olten:Urs Graf.
Poos, Heinrich(Ed.)(1983).Chormusik und Analyse I.Mainz:Schott.
Besseler, Heinrich(ed.)(1951).Guillelmi Dufay Opera Omnia.
Fallows, David(1987).Dufay.London:J. M. Dent & Sons.
