  • 期刊


The Entanglement of Psychologism and Logicism-To Review the Intellectual History of the Relevant Disputations between E. Husserl and W. Wundt




胡塞爾 馮特 心理主義 邏輯主義 現象學


E. Husserl had a commerce of ideas with W. Wundt in the early 20th century, including the criticism of Husserl to the psychologism of Wundt, the criticism of Wundt to the logicism of Husserl and the unpublished counter-criticism of Husserl. The commerce of ideas and the discussion on the relation of psychologism and logicism affected the early development of thought of Husserl. Wundt’s thinking and declaration on relevant issues forced Husserl to make his stand at that time more clear, and to indicate more explicitly the position of his thought between psychology and logic. In general, Husserl and Wundt virtually affected and promoted each other despite the seeming disputations and resistance between them. On the part of Husserl, he began to consider and stress more the intuition of phenomenological method in order to avoid the criticisms on metaphysic, Scholasticism, ontology and Platonism. And on the part of Wundt, it is obvious that he was somewhat stirred by the criticism on his position of psychologism and his conclusion of relativism of Husserl in his Logical Investigation, although he did not see the reaction of Husserl to his long article of "Psychologism and Logicism". Therefore, he criticized the tendency of logicism of Husserl that makes psychology logical, and at the same time he himself deliberately or unintentionally began to abandon the tendency of psychologism that makes logic psychological.


E. Husserl W. Wundt Psychologism Logicism Phenomenology


Husserl, Edmund,Holenstein, Elmar(Hrsg.)(1975).Logische Untersuchungen. Erster Band: Prolegomena zur reinen Logik.Den Haag:
Husserl, Edmund,Nenon, Thomas(Hrsg.),Sepp, Hans Rainer(Hrsg.)(1987).Aufsätze und Vorträge (1911-1921).Den Haag:
Husserl, Edmund,Schuhmann, Elisabeth(Hrsg.),Schuhmann, Karl(Hrsg.)(1994).Husserliana-Dokumente.Den Haag:
Husserl, E(2002).Logische Untersuchungen. Ergänzungsband.Dordrecht:Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Wundt, Wilhelm. Logik. Eine Untersuchung der Prinzipien der Erkenntnis und der Methoden wissenschaftlicher Forschung. I. Band, Erkenntnislehre, 2. Auflage, Stuttgart, 1893.
