  • 期刊


New Locations of the Author and New Auctoriality Figure: The Case of Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986)


本文探討羅蘭.巴特(Roland Barthes)與傅柯(MichelFoucault)關於作者問題的往來,不僅指出二者的相似性,也指出隱含在傅柯的回應中的問題。本文以研究阿根廷作家博爾赫斯(JorgeLuis Borges 1899-1986)作品中的作者概念為主, 主張識別出博爾赫斯新的作者概念的多重場域(emplacements)的必要性;本文據此探討博爾赫斯作品文本中的作者形象、研究在他一系列的與文學相關的活動中(文集、翻譯、編輯)所涉及的作者問題,並檢視他在自己的國家和在國際問作為公眾人物的作者形象。博爾赫斯流動在國內和在國際間的夙華聲譽,有一部分是出自於他作為作者的主動參與所建構而成。


This papers examines the exchange between Roland Barthes and Michel Foucault about the author, pointing out the similarities but also the polemic dimension contained in Foucault's response. Assuming his idea of the necessity of identifying the new locations (emplacements) of the author, we examine Borges' oeuvre and the figures he provides of the author, in his texts, in a series of practices related to literature (anthologies, translations, editing), as well as the public figure he proposes in his own country and at an international level. The dynamics of national and international celebrity appear in his case as a construction partly determined by an active participation of the author.


Barthes Foucault Borges Auctoriality Public Space Text and Context Celebrity


Barthes, Roland(1984).Le bruissement de la languel Essais critiques IV.Paris:Seuil.
Barthes, Roland(1973).Le plaisir du texte.Paris:Editions du Seuil/Tel Quel.
Barthes, Roland(1970).Mythologies.France:Editions du Seuil/Points.
Gorges, Jorge Luis,Di Giovanni, Norman Th.(1970).Autobiographical Essay.The New Yorker.
Borges, Jorge Luis(1960).El Hacedor.Buenos Aires:Emece.
