  • 期刊

The Principles of Differentiation and the Metaphysical Basis of Aristotle’s the Mean and Confucianism's ZhongYong



This paper is aimed to find the principles of differentiation and the metaphysical basis by comparing Aristotle's the Mean with Confucianism's ZhongYong. These concepts show a very important attitude in the way of life. In Confucianism, the combination of two independent terms, "Zhong" and "Yong," make the philosophical meaning of the Mean more clearly and abundantly. In the Aristotle's the Mean, there is no term corresponding to "Yong," but this aspect of the Mean is explained independently in his virtue ethics. Above all, this study will compare Aristotle's the Mean with Confucianism's ZhongYong on the systems of metaphysics, ethics, and epistemology. First, on a metaphysical point of view, Confucianism applies the Mean not only to humans, but also to the whole universe unlike Aristotle. Aristotle also mentions the term "middle (meson)" in his works of natural science. But it relates to "the Mean relative to objects," not "the Mean relative to us" mentioned in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. Secondly, on an "ethical" perspective, Aristotle's the Mean and Confucianism's ZhongYong have a certain sort of similarity and difference. On the one hand, the Mean and ZhongYong are similar in that they all relate to human emotions. In this case Confucianism use the concept of "ZhongHe" (中和) instead. "He" (和) is the state of harmony. The Mean and ZhongHe implies a state in which feelings can rise appropriately. On the other hand, the Mean and ZhongHe differ in that they have different applicable scopes. Unlike Aristotle, Confucianism's ZhongHe is also the principle of universal harmony. Thirdly, on an epistemological point of view, both Aristotle and Confucianism claim that the Mean and ZhongYong is not one and the same for all. It is very difficult to recognize exactly what the mean is in each circumstance. Aristotle used the concept of "hitting the mark" (stochastic), and Confucianism used the concept of "acting on proper time" (時中). They argue that it is difficult to conceive the Mean and ZhongYong. In fact, it is hard for us to find the most appropriate feelings and actions, because we can't consider nor understand everything completely.




中庸 中和 調和 習慣化


