  • 期刊

論Hegel的治療式正義觀:Axel Honneth的規範性重構方法之詮釋與批判

On Hegel's Perspective of Therapeutic Justice: An Interpretative and Critical Research Approach to Axel Honneth's Method of Normative Reconstruction


于本文,筆者首先鋪陳Axel Honneth(b. 1949)如何將Hegel的法權哲學視為一種具有治療性的正義理論。其次筆者將探究具有治療性正義理論促使自我實現的可能性條件。根據Honneth的見解,他將自我實現的社會條件視為三重制度化的規範秩序,也就是關涉到個人需求的考量,道德的自律與相互肯認的社會關係。接著他主張,唯有社會自由才是真正自由,僅當人們擁有社會自由,自我實現才有可能成真。最後筆者將反思我們是否接受Honneth的詮釋觀點,這樣的詮析觀點對於重建現代性世界社會是否有其助益。筆者認為,Honneth的肯認原則不僅是自我實現的構成條件,同時也扮演著輔助性原則的角色,可以支持自我與他者之間互為主體性的溝通行動的實現,有助於重建規範的社會秩序。


In this paper, I will first present Axel Honneth how to treat Hegel's legal and rights philosophy as a theory of therapeutic justice. Secondly, I will explore the possible conditions for the theory of therapeutic justice to promote self-realization. According to Honneth, he views the social conditions of self-realization as three dimensional institutionalized normative order that concern the consideration of needs of individuals, their moral autonomy, and the social relation of mutual recognition. Furthermore, he argues that only social freedom is true freedom, and only when people have social freedom, then their self-realization will come true. At the end of the article, I will reflect on whether we accept the interpretation of Honneth, and whether his interpretation helps to reconstruct or rescue the modern world society, and whether the theory of therapeutic justice has its theoretical advantages among many contemporary theories of justice. In my opinion, Honneth's principle of recognition is not only a constituent condition for self-realization, but also plays the role of subsidiary principle which can support the actualization of intersubjective communicative action between self and others, and help to reconstruct the normative social order.


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