  • 期刊


The Establishment and the Operation of the Council of Investigation on Public Properties of Taiwan after the War (Nov. 1949-Sept. 1953)


戰後為了釐清日產買賣是否有效,在日產管理機關中成立審議委員會。最初日產清理期間(民國36年5月-38年11月),設有日產清理審議委員會,惟法令未備,審議未定案。直至民國38年11月成立公產管理處,同時成立公產管理審議委員會,負責審議日產管理機關送來的日產買賣案件,審定後才可做產權處分,所以公產管理審議委員會之決議,是日產買賣有效與否的重要關鍵。 透過本文之探討,知道戰後日產清理機關的功能不一,由最初的接收到清理、處理,各有其階段性使命,一旦完成即面臨改組結束,所以戰後短短數年間,日產管理機構更迭不已。 民國38年到42年存在的臺灣省公產管理審議委員會,其目的在於審定戰爭結束前後到民國34年10月間,臺灣人買受日人公、私產業之案件。該會除確定日產有效的買賣,保障人民權益外,更將買賣無效者歸國家所有,確實公私產權的劃分,將戰後以來糾紛不斷的日產買賣問題拍案叫停,日後公私土地得以登記、買賣及撥歸運用,該會扮演之角色與重要性不可言喻。從公產管理審議委員會的審議實例中,可以歸納出人民購買日產,符合買賣確定有效的要點如下:1.在禁賣日期前及具有合法買賣憑證者。2.已締約者,不論是遵從政府政令,或是自願解約,不管是否如願收回已付價款,政府都認定買賣雙方自動解約,買賣行為已不存在,所以產權無效。至於行政機關依法塗銷,非當事人所為,審定時則認為買賣有效。3.分期付款買賣不動產,縱使戰後仍未繳清款項,但可推論其買賣早在戰前成立,所以買賣確實存在。4.日治時期的法令並未隨著中華民國政府來臺接收就失效,依舊規範著戰後臺灣人的土地權益。如神社、州廳官有土地之買賣,仍如日治時期法令規定,必須獲得官府同意,所以是否取得官府的許可就成為審核日產產權有效的主要憑證之一。又外國人不准在臺購置產業的規定亦是。另外一明顯的例子,是「臺灣官有森林原野賣渡(出售)、貸渡(放租)規則」。 由上可知,該會的審議原則,除了新統治者中華民國政府的法令規定外,也受到日治時期法令的影響,畢竟歷史是延續、不可分割的,不會因治權的轉移就完全切斷過去的羈絆。


After the War, in order to investigate whether the transactions of the properties during the Japanese rule were still valid, the Council of Public Property Investigation was formed as part of the Japanese Property Administration Office. The council was initially established at the stage between May 1947 and Nov. 1949, but as there were no laws regarding the set-up of the council, no investigation could proceed. It was in November 1949 after the establishment of Taiwan Provincial Office of Public Property Administration, the Council was officially formed. The Council was in charge of investigating the transaction cases sent from the Japanese Property Administration Office. It was demanded that only after a transaction had been examined and approved could the property right be settled. In other words, whether the transaction was valid or not depended on the result of the investigation by the Council. This paper discovered that the functions of Japanese Property Administration Office were not clear enough to handle the situations(What situation?). It had been re-organized many times in the first few years after the War. Each version dealing with some of the problems at the time. The Council of Public Property Investigation during the period of 1949-1953 were mainly in charge of the cases of transactions in which Taiwanese purchased properties both public and private from the Japanese in October 1945. The Council not only ascertained the validity of many transactions in order to protect people's rights, but also turned the invalid cases to the Nationalist government and drew a distinctive line between public and private properties, putting an end to disputes concerning the transactions. After the investigation, any transaction could then be registered officially, and could further be sold or transferred. We can summarize the criteria for the judgment of the validity of any transaction as follows: 1. If the purchase was done before the deadline forbidding any transaction and with evidence of transaction, then it was valid. 2. If a contract had been drawn and was forced to be canceled because the government demanded it or because the seller and the buyer agreed to cancel it, the transaction would be judged as invalid. In this case, there was no issue of property right. But if the contract was canceled by official administration without the agreement of the seller and the buyer, then it remained valid. 3. On condition that the contract was signed before the War, and if the seller agreed that the buyer paid by installments, and yet the payment was not completed, then the case remained valid. 4. The Japanese laws and decrees concerning the matter were still applicable as a measure to protect the property rights of the Taiwanese people. For example, shrines and the lands sold by the Japanese government must be examined on the basis of Japanese laws and decrees. That is, if the Japanese government actually agreed to sell them, then the transactions would remain valid. As the Japanese forbid foreigners to purchase any land in Taiwan, any transaction of this kind would be invalid. Another example concerns the selling and the leasing of governmental forests and wilds. To sum up, in addition to setting up new laws concerning the investigation of any transaction, the Nationalist government also kept some of the original laws and decrees of the Japanese government. In other words, history is always continuous and inseparable. Whoever takes power must follow the footsteps of his predecessors.


《財政部國有財產局檔案》(臺北,國史館藏)典藏號:045000001189A,〈關於日產產權處理〉典藏號:045000001290A,〈第一批日產產權審查〉典藏號:045000001321A,〈陳琉球(五福)產權〉典藏號:045000001484A,〈第二批日產案件審查〉典藏號:045000001491A,〈林匏梨產權〉典藏號:045000001578A,〈第四批日產產權審查〉典藏號:045000001742A,〈第七批日產產權移轉審查〉典藏號:045000001781A,〈第十批產權移轉審查〉典藏號:045000001786A,〈第十一批產權移轉審查〉典藏號:045000001898A,〈第十六批日產產權移轉審查〉典藏號:045000001906A,〈林金龍請確認產權〉典藏號:045000001916A,〈第十七批日產產權移轉審查〉典藏號:045000001923A,〈第十八批日產產權移轉審查〉典藏號:045000001936A,〈第十九批日產產權移轉審查〉典藏號:045000001953A,〈第二十批日產產權移轉審查〉典藏號:045000001960A,〈第廿一批日產產權移轉審查〉典藏號:045000001968A,〈第廿二批日產產權移轉審查〉典藏號:045000001978A,〈第廿三批日產產權移轉審查〉典藏號:045000001989A,〈第廿四批日產產權移轉審查〉典藏號:045000001990A,〈第六批日產產權審查〉典藏號:045000002002A,〈第廿六批日產產權移轉審查〉典藏號:045000002026A,〈第廿七批日產案件審查〉典藏號:045000002034A,〈第廿九批日產產權移轉審查〉典藏號:045000002052A,〈第卅一批日產產權移轉審查〉典藏號:045000002061A,〈第卅二批日產產權移轉審查〉典藏號:045000002068A,〈第卅三批日產產權移轉審查〉典藏號:045000002078A,〈第卅五批日產產權移轉審查〉典藏號:045000002079A,〈第卅六批日產產權移轉審查〉典藏號:045000002083A,〈第卅九批日產產權移轉審查〉典藏號:045000002095A,〈第四十四批產權審查〉典藏號:045000002105A,〈第四十七批日產產權移轉審查〉典藏號:045000002121A,〈第四十八批產權審查〉典藏號:045000002153A,〈第五十二批產權審查〉典藏號:045000003440 A,〈日產移轉審查無效抹銷登記〉典藏號:045000003441A,〈產權有效租賃權〉典藏號:045000003442A,〈駐日代表團協助審查日產產權疑義〉典藏號:045000012135A,〈林開郡確認抵押權〉典藏號:045000012144A,〈杜阿敏土地產權〉典藏號:045000012241A,〈邱魏義聲請確認產權〉典藏號:045000012262A,〈廖樹旺申請確認產權〉典藏號:045000012382A,〈蔣玉珪黃清錦等呈請複審產權〉典藏號:045000013018A,〈日人質權土地債務〉典藏號:045000013019A,〈高等法院查詢日產處理〉典藏號:045000014367A,〈日產爭執〉典藏號:045000014978A,〈廖倍產權〉典藏號:045000015024A,〈第二批日產移轉案件審查會議〉
