

The optic nerve head and its surroundings demonstrate a wide variety of changes in myopia. However, the changes of the optic nerve in high myopia still remain obscure. Thus, we decided to explore these changes by using a laser scanning image analyzer system. One-hundred-and-thirteen young high myopic patients (>-8.0D) from National Taiwan University were enrolled in this study. Fifty-seven low myopic students (<-3.0D) were enrolled as controls. The eyes of each patient were measured for refractive error and axial length. The morphometric parameters of the optic disc were measured by using stereoview color slides and a TopSS laser scanning disc analyzer. The results showed that the optic disc rends toward a vertically ovoid shape in high myopia. The mean vertical diameter of the disc was 2.05±0.39 mm and its horizontal diameter was 1.81±0.41mm. The total areda of the disc was 3.02±1.14mm2. The overall size of the optic disc (vertical diameter, horizontal diameter, and total area) and the neuroretinal rim was significantly greater than that of low myopic patients (p< 0.05). The cup/disc ratio, however, was not significantly higher in high myopic patients (p> 0.1). Tilting and the average depth of disc were not correlated with the increases of refractive error and axial length. In contrast, the sloping of the disc became slightly shallower as myopia increased. Therefore, the increase of the optic disc size with an increase of the myopia imply that two factors (either congenital or an active pulling of the tissues toward the posterior pole) might cause this change.


The optic nerve head and its surroundings demonstrate a wide variety of changes in myopia. However, the changes of the optic nerve in high myopia still remain obscure. Thus, we decided to explore these changes by using a laser scanning image analyzer system. One-hundred-and-thirteen young high myopic patients (>-8.0D) from National Taiwan University were enrolled in this study. Fifty-seven low myopic students (<-3.0D) were enrolled as controls. The eyes of each patient were measured for refractive error and axial length. The morphometric parameters of the optic disc were measured by using stereoview color slides and a TopSS laser scanning disc analyzer. The results showed that the optic disc rends toward a vertically ovoid shape in high myopia. The mean vertical diameter of the disc was 2.05±0.39 mm and its horizontal diameter was 1.81±0.41mm. The total areda of the disc was 3.02±1.14mm2. The overall size of the optic disc (vertical diameter, horizontal diameter, and total area) and the neuroretinal rim was significantly greater than that of low myopic patients (p< 0.05). The cup/disc ratio, however, was not significantly higher in high myopic patients (p> 0.1). Tilting and the average depth of disc were not correlated with the increases of refractive error and axial length. In contrast, the sloping of the disc became slightly shallower as myopia increased. Therefore, the increase of the optic disc size with an increase of the myopia imply that two factors (either congenital or an active pulling of the tissues toward the posterior pole) might cause this change.


optic disc high myopia laser scanning system
