  • 期刊


The Research on the Vernacular Characteristic of the Traditional Slate Houses of Rukai Tribes and Paiwan Tribes during the Japanese Colonial Period




The purpose of this article tries to clarify common principles and vernacular differences of the slate houses style of Rukai Tribes and Paiwan Tribes, and to discuss the reasons of keeping common and transforming. The research methods in this article contain quantitative Closeness lndex, Cluster Analysis and qualitative relation investigation in tribes, social system and geography. This article results that the elements of slate houses were preferred differently by different tribes in spatial types, however it was not obvious in whole clustering. And in construction details, the vernacular differences in small area showed Geo-relation of the construction techniques over the culture relation of tribes. Overall, the concept of slate houses of Rukai Tribes and Paiwan Tribes ware presented from space, but not from constant in technology. Thus, the presentation of vernacular characteristics was focused on the construction details or the outdoor elements. But those were just decorations, did not effected the whole imagery presentation of slate house. Furthermore, the main reason of maintaining the common form imageries is the social system, and it probably related to executing social stratification. Keeping blood relationship, continuing interacting between tribes and near geographical locations are helpful to maintain the common characteristics, but not necessary conditions. Because of these different blood generations, tribes developing histories and different geographical locations, slate houses could developed variety form in small eras so that they enriched the styles and features of slate houses of Rukai Tribes and Paiwan Tribes.


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