

輕型鋼結構建築物俗稱鐵皮屋其耐久性與防火性能嚴重不足,一旦發生火災,多數由於內部火載量甚高,火災猛烈度甚大,短時間即超越鋼結構桿件的耐熱強度,鋼材的強度會急速降低,造成建築物短時間即崩塌之慘劇。根據統計,國內鐵皮工廠火災約占全國火災發生率10.8 %~11.1 %,造成民眾死亡約占全國火災死亡率5.0 %~6.4 %,而受傷率約占全國火災受傷率13.3 %~13.6 %。此外,歷年來國內消防人員在搶救鐵皮屋火災共計造成12人死亡,約佔消防人員搶救建築物火災死亡率的31.5%,可見鐵皮屋建築物防火安全至關重要。本文搜集國內近年來鐵皮屋建築物火災案例及文獻研究成果,深究其火災發生原因、人員傷亡程度等相關資料,分析鐵皮屋建築物火災危險及鐵皮屋火災崩塌原因分析,研提鐵皮屋建築物消防搶救對策。期望透過本研究成果,提供國內相關法規修正之參考,以避免鐵皮屋建築物火災造成重大傷亡悲劇一再發生。


Light steel structure buildings, also called metal houses in Taiwan, lack durability and fire resistance performance. When such a building is on fire, because of its relatively high internal fire loading, the fire is more severe, the fire resistance level of the steel structural members is quickly exceeded, and the steel materials are rapidly weakened. Because this kind of building when on fire collapses very quickly, it could threaten the life and safety of firefighters inside. According to the domestic statistics, fire sin metal house factories account for 10.8 %-11.1 %of national fires,5.0 %- 6.4 % of deaths by fire, and 13.3 %- 13.6 %. of fire injuries. In addition, 12 domestic firefighters have died at metal house building fires over the years, accounting for 31.5% of firefighter deaths. It is obvious that prevention of fires in metal house buildings is very important. This study reviewed cases of metal house fires and relevant references to examine the causes of fires and the fatal as well as non-fatal casualties. It also analyzed metal house fire hazards and causes of the collapse of metal houses in fires. The objective is to develop metal house firefighting strategies and to provide the government with useful information for amending relevant laws and regulations to prevent metal house fire disasters.


周民瑜(2008)。常見結構用鋼材火害後機械性質之研究。國立成功大學土木工程研究所=Department of Civil Engineering, National Cheng Kung University。
莊有清(2004)。鋼材在高溫環境下之行為探討。國立成功大學土木工程研究所=Department of Civil Engineering, National Cheng Kung University。
簡丞宏(2005)。H 型鋼柱高溫整體結構行為研究。國立高雄第一科技大學營建工程研究所=Department of Construction Engineering, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology。
