  • 學位論文


The Evaluation and Research for Fire Safety on Electrical Equipments and Fire Safety Systems in a Building

指導教授 : 曾國雄


一般建築物結構體的生命週期如鋼筋混凝土結構建築物約50年,而建築物內部設備的生命週期約10至15年,電氣設備使用年限大約有20年,因此電氣設備在建築結構體的生命週期中需更換2~3次(先不考慮因為時間劣化汰換),而且建築物火災發生原因中,電氣設備引起的火災仍占起火原因之首位。所以電氣設備在建築物使用之安全性上占極重要地位。另一方面,消防安全設備主要是在火災發生初期,能發揮其應有的預警與保護功能,減少財產損失及提高人員逃生機會,係維護建築物內部生命財產的重要設備。但是,消防安全設備不似建築物內日常使用之供電、給水、空調、昇降等設備具有高度的使用率及故障發現率,一旦發生故障而未及時被發現,極可能造成潛在危險,更有可能造成重大的傷害及損失。本研究即針對大樓機電及消防設備對建築物的防火安全做深入地探討與評估,首先以信度分析(Reliability Analysis)及效度分析(Validity Analysis)確認問卷的一致性與正確性品質,再以個數(Number)、百分比(Percent)或是平均數(Mean)、標準差(Standard Deviation, SD)呈現各變數的基本分佈,並以獨立t檢定(Independent T Test)或單因子變異數分析(Analysis of Variance, ANOVA)檢驗連續變數是否有組別間之差異,例如:機電及消防安全設備分數、防火影響的評估分數等;若組別間有顯著差異,則以Scheffe或Games-Howell事後檢定(Post-Hoc Comparisons)確認不同的組別。最後以Pearson相關係數探討兩變數間之相關性高低,並以線性迴歸(Linear Regression)探討機電及消防安全設備之分數對於防火之評估分數影響。本研究之顯著水準(Significance Level)皆設定為0.05,並以SPSS 18.0版之統計軟體進行分析。本研究結果得到問卷受試者不同之性別、年齡層、服務機構、專長、年資、教育程度,對「機電及消防安全設備」及「防火安全影響」面向的認知總分,對大樓機電及消防安全設備對防火安全評估與研究有極具參考價值。


In general, the life cycle of construction in a building, such as reinforce concrete (RC) construction, is about 50 years and the other service equipments is about 10-15 years. On the other hand, the service life of electrical equipments is about 20 years, thus the replacements of electrical equipments should be performed about 2-3 times during the life cycle of construction without considering the deterioration and elimination. Furthermore, according to statistics the main cause of fire in a building is still caused by electrical equipments, thus, the electrical equipments are very important in a building. The function of fire safety equipments is to provide the opportunities of escape for persons and to reduce the property damage by means of the early warning and protection. However, unlike the power supplies, water supplies air conditionings and elevators, the fault or trouble of the fire safety equipments is not easy to be found out and often results into some potential damages. For that, the paper aims to study the evaluation and research for fire safety on electrical equipments and fire safety systems in a building. First, the reliability analysis and validity analysis are performed to ensure the consistence and correctness of questionnaires and then the basic distributions of each variable are displayed by numbers, percents or means and standard deviations (SDs). The differences between groups of continuous variables are examined by independent t test or analysis of variance (ANOVA), such as the grades of electrical equipments and fire safety equipments and the assessments of effect on fire. If there exists notably differences between groups, the post-hoc comparisons of Scheffe or Games-Howell are used to ensure the different groups. The relevancies between two variables are analyzed by Pearson related coefficients. The effects of grades of electrical equipments and fire safety equipments on the assessment grades are analyzed by linear regression. All of these analyses are performed by software namely SPSS 18.0 and the significance levels are set at 0.05. The results of this paper based on the questionnaire answered from people with different sexes, age, employment, specialities, seniority, education etc about the knowledge of the electrical and fire safety equipments and the effect on fire safety can provide a valuable reference of the evaluation and research for fire safety on the electrical equipments and fire safety systems in a building.


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