  • 期刊


A Study of Applying Overall Reviewing of Original Urban Planning from Viewpoint of Adaptive Strategies in Climate Change




The extreme rainfall phenomenon of global warming and climate change causes serious flooding in many parts of the world. In Taiwan, flooding prevention and mitigation has tried to use the concept of urban planning to cope with this threat. This research uses the perspective of urban planning; therefore, the concept of urban land-use planning must be introduced to the methodology of flooding detention. The application of special land use designation provides detention maintenance and flooding control function by maximizing the effectiveness of land use to absorb flood water and meet the security needs of urban area when the flood occurs. This study proposes that, for build-up areas, strategies should focus on using the fragmented spaces of a city as well as using existing public facility land to increase the retention basin space. To-be-developed areas should be established for flood-volume control, retention basins, rain storage in public facilities, and run-off distribution. These methods should be implemented to facilitate storm water management, improve the disaster prevention ability of a city, and serve as references for city and county governments when engaging in urban planning for flood prevention and control.


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