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Atmospheric Terrestrial Exchange of Nitrous Oxide in the Mid-latitude Region of China



The significance of Northern China in the budget of atmospheric trace gases is discussed briefly. Sites for the research work of the IGBPIIGAC Activity 7.2 and some results of preliminary measurements on N2O flux are also introduced. In China, 6 sites along 40°N have been identified as contributors to research efforts described by IGBPIIGAC Activity 7.2. These sites are located in forest, grassland, agriculture, arid and semi-arid and desert regions. On one of these sites, the Luancheng Comprehensive Experimental Station of Agricultural Ecology, the flux of N2O on a typical, winterwheat field was measured. Measurements were taken during the growing season of winter- wheat in both fertilized and unfertilized fields. Measurements were also taken in an alfalfa fields. It was shown that fertilization, irrigation and soil temperature were positively related to the emission of N2O. The diurnal variability of fluxes was measured. The fluxes in different treatments varied from 2-46μg Nm^(-2)h^(-1).


Temperate region China Trace gases
