  • 期刊


The Teaching of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China




中醫藥 教育


The teaching of Chinese medicine has gone through four distinct periods: primitive oral instruction, the apprenticeship system, the combined apprenticeship-school system, and modern school teaching. This article focuses on the present status of traditional Chinese medical training in mainland China in the modern education system. Prior to 1988, there were 29 colleges of higher education providing instruction in traditional Chinese medicine. In the National Health system, these had total medical staff of 522,000, of which 192,000 were Chinese medical doctors, and 109,000 were Chinese medical therapists (practictioners without degrees). The colleges of traditional Chinese medicine offered main courses in the following subjects: Chinese medical theory, otorrhinolaryngology, opthalmology, orthopedics, pharmacy, drug processing, acupuncture and moxibustion, health regimen, and traditional medical literature, as well as Mongolian and Tibetan medicine. Graduate programs for advanced degrees, training for foreign students, and continuing education programs are also offered. Modern instruction in mainland China, generally speaking, provides a solid basis for the future development of Chinese medicine, as the following five trends show: 1. Greater comprehensiveness: To ensure the comprehensive development of Chinese medical health care, medical staff being expanded and the lovel of specialization is to be increased. 2. Longer and more rigorous programs: Efforts to meet the medical demands of the mainland's large population have led to excessively short programs that provide students with inadequate training in both modern and traditional medicine. There are plans for the near future to create new TCM colleges providing longer and more rigorous training. 3. Greater integration of Chinese and Western medicine: Greater emphasis is being placed on bridging the theoretical and practical distance between Western and traditional Chinese medicine. 4. Development of the personal teacher system: Alongside regular school training, a system is being developed where by students study under the guidance of a designated doctor for set periods of time. 5. Expansion of international programs: Efforts are being made to expand Chinese medical training for foreign students, and on international exchange and cooperation programs.

