  • 期刊


Study on the Delimitation of Justifiable Authority in Urban Planning Scrutiny


本研究以我國各級都市計畫委員會之審議委員與行政人員為研究對象,考量計畫審議的程序,分主要計畫與細部計畫,區分都委會層級間及各審議人員間之審議重點差異,探討審議委員決策需求,以釐清都市計畫審議過程中各審議層級及審議委員及行政幕僚人員所重視之審議項目差異,作為權責劃分之依據,提供未來都市計畫審議組織運作改進之參考。 研究過程採取兩回合的問卷調查以進行實證分析,第一回合調查係以本研究整理之主、細部計畫、各層級都委會之審核、核定、備查等案件之審議重點為內容,初步界定並驗證各層級審議重點問項之重要性與合理性,第二回合調查之目的則針對第一回合所定義之各層級審議重點,進一步利用統計檢定,修正並確認審議人員審議重點之差異,並透過因子分析,將各審議重點簡化成審議決策因素,作為審議權限劃分之依據。最後經綜合整理,劃分各審議層級及審議委員及行政幕僚人員所重視之審議項目差異。


An urban plan requires more hierarchical scrutiny in Taiwan. To increase the efficiency and justice of urban planning scrutiny, this study aims to define the detail scrutiny items between commissioners and staffs. From discussing the comparative analysis of cases study, the reason why scrutiny's ill-efficiency caused by plan selves can be examined. And from analyzing the scrutiny commissioners' attitude measurement, the error or problems caused by man-made can be found out. The decision-making demand of commissioners will also be confirmed through factor analysis in scrutiny items. To establish an efficient development scrutiny mechanism will accomplish the evaluation of planning administration and speed up the great constructions' implementation timing.


Plan Scrutiny Mechanism


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