  • 期刊


Policy Evaluation of Incentives to Demolish Abandoned Buildings for Temporary Public Open Space in Taipei City


老舊建物廢棄不僅是都市土地資源的低度利用,也是都市景觀的負面資產。如何加以活化利用,以改善都市景觀與環境品質,乃是當今世界各大城市所共同面臨的重要課題。傳統的都市更新固然有用,但是推動困難,緩不濟急,無法迅速解決現實的建物閒置與廢棄問題。近年來,所謂的暫時性都市主義(temporary urbanism)主張運用暫時性使用的方式活化都市廢棄空間,日益受到世界各大城市的重視,成為推動都市再生的策略性手段之一。其實,國內在實務上的暫時性土地使用個案越來越多,理論性的個案評估分析相對極為缺乏。本論文將透過廣泛的國內外文獻回顧,分析國內外都市運用廢棄空間供作暫時性使用的理論基礎與發展趨勢,進而以臺北市政府於2008年至2010年間所推動的「臺北好好看系列二—鼓勵窳陋建築物騰空綠美化」獎勵措施為評估對象,對其執行成果的政策效用進行評估分析。研究顯示,台北市政府以容積獎勵作為鼓勵提供暫時性公共開放空間的短期措施,有效解決了私有土地等待開發前,建築物荒廢的景觀污染及公共安全問題。若以地區居民的願付價格為估計基礎,暫時性開放空間的經濟效益估計值遠高於容積獎勵的估計現值。從都市發展的長期觀點來看,暫時性使用更可間接的促進都市的再生。


Old buildings may be abandoned not only because of under-use of urban land resources, but also the negative asset of city landscape. How to revitalize the abandoned buildings to improve landscape and environmental quality is thus a critical governance issues for all big cities in the world. The traditional solution for the problem of landscape pollution caused by abandoned buildings is urban renewal. Urban renewal is effective but is too difficult to promote, and its effects on landscape pollution may take many years. Recently, the so-called temporary urbanism began to be noticed and widely adopted. More and more cities adopt the temporary urbanism as an approach to promote urban regeneration. Although temporary use of abandoned spaces is getting popular in practice, theoretical evaluation of implementation experiences is very limited. In an extensive review of the literature, this study analyzed both the theoretical content and trend of temporary use of abandoned buildings. Furthermore, the incentive program of “Encouraging Demolition of Abandoned Buildings for Temporary Open Spaces” implemented during 2008-2010 in Taipei city is targeted for policy evaluation. The results of the literature review showed that temporary use is indeed an efficient short-term approach to eliminate the ugly landscape of abandoned buildings. Based on willingness to pay, the estimated value of temporary open space created much more value than total estimated value for FAR offered. From the viewpoint of long-term urban development, the temporary use of abandoned space can also promote urban regeneration indirectly.


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