  • 學位論文

移民培力制度發展評估之研究 ――以臺北市新移民團體補助案合併為例

A Study on the Evaluation of the Development of Immigrant Training System: the consolidation of Taipei City New Immigrant Group Subsidy Program as an example

指導教授 : 詹中原


本論文以研究者實際參與推動的臺北市新移民團體補助案合併為例,首先採用深入訪談法,探討移民女性及移民二代子女在參與臺北市政府社會局補助的培力方案後賦權的過程;其次採用SWOT分析與策略,驗證補助案合併後對移民培力制度的影響;最後採用參與觀察法,比較補助案合併前後不同培力制度的成效差異。 研究結果發現,首先補助案資源介入給予家庭能量相對不足的移民女性及移民二代子女賦權契機;其次從SWOT分析(含策略)驗證補助案合併後對移民培力制度之影響弊大於利,除了外在機會(External Opportunity)研究結果呈現正向以外,其餘分析暨策略結果皆顯示補助案合併這項制度改革對於整體培力制度係產生負向的影響;最後透過參與觀察及內容分析結果發現補助案合併這項培力制度改革對於各項觀察指標皆無影響。由於臺北市新移民團體補助案合併係自民國110年1月1日起實施,短期內研究此項培力制度改革的結果係弊大於利,提供予政府相關單位作為未來推動移民培力制度改革之參考。


The study takes the Taipei City New Immigrant Group Subsidy Program consolidation that researcher has actually participated in and promoted as an example. First, the researcher uses in-depth interview method to realize the empowerment process of immigrant women and the second-generation children of immigrants after participating in the subsidy program from Department of Social Welfare, Taipei City Government. Secondly, SWOT analysis and strategies are used to verify the impact of the subsidy program on the immigrant training system after the consolidation. Finally, the participant observation method is used to compare the effectiveness of different training systems before and after the subsidy program consolidation. The results of the study found that firstly, the intervention of subsidy program resources gave immigrant women and the second-generation children of immigrants with relatively insufficient family energy an opportunity to be empowered. Secondly, it was verified from SWOT analysis and strategies that the impact of subsidy program consolidation on the immigrant training system would do more harm than good. In addition to the positive result of the “External Opportunity”, the other results of analysis and strategies showed that the subsidy program consolidation causing a negative impact on the overall training system. Finally, through the results of participant observation and content analysis methods found the reform of the subsidy program consolidation has no impact on the indicators. Since the consolidation of Taipei City New Immigrant Group Subsidy Program was implemented on January 1, 2021, the result of the short-term study of the training system consolidation would do more harm than good. In conclusion, the research is provided to relevant government agencies as a reference to promote the reform of the immigration training system in the future.


天下雜誌未來城市編輯部(2021)。「SDGs 目標5|實現性別平等,並賦予婦女權力」,2021年10月13日,取自:https://futurecity.cw.com.tw/article/1287。
